Meat Attack in Iowa!

You gotta check this out. Meatmeisters Abound.
Guthrie Center, Iowa. About 50 miles west of Des Moines. 1700 folks live here.
This is last week, banking type party at some big wigs pad.
They cook it up in the garbage can! Two cinder blocks with charcoal under going hot.
Then they put in some water and start layering in the meat and veggies.
All kinds o meat, carrots, onions everything goes in there. Few hours later
they git to eatin it. Check out that huge tray o brats. Those wide body
midwesterners peering into the cauldron to see what is next. This
is real cookin. Brats on top it looks like. They use the same
garbage cans over and over, like a ritual of some sort.

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