Christmas Socks

Okay, so admissions to MeatHenge have been sparse to say the least. Most cooking web sites are hunkering down and sending forth everything to bear so everyone has a nice holiday meal. And it seems many cooking web logs are doing the reverse. We’re tired, over worked and ready for some rest.
Clearly we are digging for content, and speaking of content … I would think most of you are getting nice new socks for gifts! Go now and have a close look at your existing sock family to see if you can toss them. Maybe you don’t know what needs to be tossed and what needs to be retained. Looky here, these need to be tossed.

4 thoughts on “Christmas Socks

  1. Damn, Honey! You have enough good socks to choke a horse! Why the hell are you wearin’ those “Sunday” socks? Whatsa matter you?!

  2. Socks!
    Well, I have a history of socks!
    In my vast and varied wardrobe, I have pairs of unmatched socks that have seen industrial strength duty, walking an average of 10miles per day over a period of nearly as many years, rubbing their bottoms against leather soles and against the backs of tall boots, slugging through snow and ankle deep runoff and still they endured.
    However, some of these warriors have lost all of their heels and in some cases a good portion of the backs of their toes! The remedy was to layer the socks, put on the ones missing some parts and then put on another pair over them. This worked particularly well with such foot gear as Sorel snow boots and insulated leather military type boots. Kept the bare skin from being inflicted with punishment too!
    From such experiences, I have memorialized over a dozen pair of these worthy campaigners! They are incredible to look at because the first question someone asks is, “How in the sand hill did these wear out like this?”
    Answer: “EASY. Let me tell you all about it.”
    Other people would commit such relics to the dust heap, or recycle to the rag bag. Not for MY heroes! They have a special place in my scrapbook of life for having saved my feet. And don’t forget, they are a tribute to COTTON!- 100%, because only cotton could hold up to such punishment for so long!