Bar Foods

Yesterday I was invited out to a sports bar in Pleasant Hill somewheres to watch Greenbay battle Philidelphia. I don’t get out much so it was really nice to get out and do something a tad different on a Sunday. The company was great, the food was just fine (plenty of fries) and the beer was cold. Although it would have been nice to have the Packers win for Ed’s 40th birthday, oh well.
Happy 40th ED !!!

2 thoughts on “Bar Foods

  1. Now I have to comment…I’m sitting here in Green Bay catching up on all the archived material on meathenge…the reason I’m doing this is I was reading an old food and wine or gourmet or bon appetit last night and they mentioned this site as a great blog. THEY WERE RIGHT. My affection for meat has finally found companionship.

  2. Hey Michele,
    Welcome! And DANG, that was a long time ago. 2004? I still have a copy of that laying around somewheres.
    Cheers and hope you enjoy yourself further here, take care.