Warm & Happy Frittata

Okay, so sometimes I may get a little carried away with the whole meat thing. I’ll be the first one to admit it. I enjoy lighting fires and cooking meat, get over it. The problem with Meat Blinders securely fastened to your head is that you forget other yummy things. It’s been many years since I whipped up a frittata (Italian Broiled Omelette Thing) and while leafing through one of Jeff Smith’s cookbooks I ran across a recipe for one. Not that it amounted to much, but it reached out to me. Off I went …

The only ingredient I din’t have was the zucchini. Here are a few things you’ll need.
A zucchini or two, if they’re little.
2 TBLS of fresh bread crumbs
2 TBLS of milk (whole milk or close)
1/2 tsp of lemon zest
a shallot
handful of mushroomses
grated parmesan
6 eggs
Butter/water/peanut oil or LARD !
Preheat your oven to 375 or so, try the middle rack. I think I’ll try the upper rack next time and maybe get things to brown a bit more. You’re supposed to use a broiler, but mine incinerates.
Dice up the mushrooms, shallot, zucchini and saute in butter just until they barely start turning brown. Since I figured the mushrooms would take a bit longer than the zucchini I did the mushrooms and shallots together. Pulled, then did the zucchini by themselves.
Put them into a bowl and add the bread crumbs, lemon zest and milk. Mix yer mixture.
Add a little salt & pepper.
Whip up the six eggs until frothy, add 2 TBLS of water and whip again.
Pour mixture into a pre-headed oven safe fry pan, preferably a non-stick. Toss some peanut oil into the pan and coat the entire inside of the pan. I used lard & a bit of extra virgin olive oil.
Turn your fire to medium low or so and when the egg starts to set around the edges, toss in your mixture and move it evenly about.
Sprinkle yer cheese over all with a bit more salt & pepper. At this point you could add herbs if’n you wanted to. I was lazy, it was dark and I wanted to try the pebrella that Jan gifted me. It’s a rare form of of wild thyme and is absolutely delightful!
Toss the pan into your preheated oven for 15 minutes or until the frittata is firm.

And there you go.
Note: Even though your making an entire pan of eggs and vegies, I think next time this comes around it’ll get a fresh sausage. Nothing like meat to round out a meal.

11 thoughts on “Warm & Happy Frittata

  1. This is a peachy dish! I work with some Italians and they like your pics and recipe!
    I like it too, because it is mainly a veggie dish. Although, a big o’sausage in there, as you suggest, would be truly yummy!

  2. The recipe was out of Jeff Smith’s book? Suddenly, I feel ill. Although, I really love the wild thyme – it was pretty tasty. …and so was the fritatta.

  3. Well, yeah. Ick. I didn’t follow the recipe very well. He wanted me to blanch the zucchini. I figured it would taste better if I tossed them into a hot buttered fry pan for a few moments than boil them. He didn’t want any mushrooms in there, I did. That kind of stuff. I’m not very good at following rules …

  4. Yeah, I know here I go again, rant # 452. But this is something you cook without follwing a recipe, there are no rules damn-it! It’s like making a casadea. Open the refrigerator and start pulling things out…. On second thought I’ll just shut my mouth and start over…. Hey!! this looks really yummy. Have you ever thought about using spinach and hot Italian sausage with just a touch of romano added to the parmesan or maybe “cacio di fossa” or “bigio” chesse instead?

  5. Hey Sour Puss,
    Uh, that was stinky ol’ Ramano FOO. Not that I mentioned it … and remember I said I saw the recipe for inspiration and then didn’t follow it. You need to go home and enjoy your Saturday off.
    And speaking of sausage, there is a rumor that Fatted Calf will be at the Berkeley Farmer’s Market on Saturday. I’m going to start at the ATM first thing in the morning and go find me some pork products. Hugs!

  6. Have you seen that performance artist who works with meat, making a beef bikini? Knowing you, I could almost imagine “meat blinders” was the real thing. What do you think, flank steak for that?

  7. Actually… I think Dinoboy is on to something – something tasty. Let’s play Iron Chef and have DrBiggles and Dinoboy battle each other for the title of Frittata Master! I’ll happily judge all your submissions. The winner will receive a beef bikini and model it for all to see!

  8. Ha !!! I am the alpha male and will club any competitor to death. No one can win against a club wielding chef of the Fire Seared Meat. I use real wood, real meat and take off the Meat Blinders for competitions. Thus, you lose. I win. Send me your Tribute now … loser.

  9. This is your brain.
    [Camera pans to a bowl of jelly.]
    This is your brain overtaken by testosterone.
    [Camera pans to Dr. Biggles last post.]
    Any questions?