Uncle Wiggly’s Goodtime Contest – Reminder !!!

Hey, we got a few entries going here, Celeste was our first! You’re going to have to work harder than you thought, the entries are really well done and presented very nicely. Go have a gander, there’s a link to it over there on the left under EVENTS. Or you can click HERE and go directly. Contest is due to end Wednesday, July 27th. However, it will take us a few days to tabulate the winners. So, if you’re a day late? Enter anyway, it’s for fun, and fun has no deadlines.
Off you go, I have spoken.

3 thoughts on “Uncle Wiggly’s Goodtime Contest – Reminder !!!

  1. I like the little sparkle you got going on your choppers there, Biggles!
    Lemme see if I can scare up a recipe for you today/tonight.