Wild King Salmon hits Balinese Long Peppercorns

Nikon D70 paired with AF-D 60mm f2.8 micro. On tripod and 250 UV balanced flood. Post production edit; photoshop levels, up the white and bring over the black.
The fat from salmon is so cool. Remind you, this is coming from someone who has only been eating fish for 10 years or so and only recently Salmon. Yeah, I know I’m an idiot. But I just love Salmon Fat and had to mention it. The stuff is so sweet & warm, so clean. This lends possibilities, lots o’.

Dipping down to smell, then to rub (checking for those little bones), it was clear I needed something happy. We didn’t want to coat and drown and over power. The rub needed to work with the fat, work with the fun. On a Monday night I chose Balinese Long Peppercorns from Salt Traders Dot Com. Cardmom, nutmeg & peppery love seemed perfect.
But first the cooking procedure needed some attention. If you’re going to do a wild salmon, you must have a real wood fire. Mesquite came in handy with a hickory wood chip accompany. I know most people like to cook as soon as possible, it’s grey? Let’s cook now! No. I ran through 2/3’s of the fire first. Then added more and let that get grey. One wants to make sure the grill is warm, clean and ready to go. The salmon was oiled with fancy extra virgin olive oil, then the finely crushed peppercorns. Fish on, skin side down under. It was left thus until nearly done, then flipped and spun just for color (lid down and used as an oven).
Served with Idaho spuds mashed/Straus butter. Can you see the Potato Kitty eating the salmon? The nose, the ears? Can you see?
The taste was so rich & full of smoky goodness. Then came the Balinese Peppercorns, warm and spunch at the same time, then warm finish. The after taste, even 25 minutes later, is wonderful. It completely cleans the most nastiest lunch I’ve had in years.
The moral of the story? When you have meat so clean, so nice and perfect, don’t douse it in crap. Add minimal amounts of anything and use the meat flavor, versus the cooking medium to deliver the perfection.
You’ll thank yourself for it.

8 thoughts on “Wild King Salmon hits Balinese Long Peppercorns

  1. There’s nothing finer in Salmonry than crispy Salmon Skin. It’s like pork rinds for Alaskans.

  2. i *can* see the kitty eating the salmon!
    i’m having a hush puppies cook off on sunday. any idea for good recipes??? i just perfected the browning technique last night. not it’s time to work on the flavor!

  3. Hey Princess,
    Not sure, hey. They’re pretty awesome just as they are. Here’s the ingredients for the ones I make.
    2 cups yellow corn meal
    2 tablespoons flour
    2 teaspoons baking powder
    1 tablespoon sugar
    2 teaspoons salt
    1/4 cup finely chopped onions
    Freshly ground black pepper to taste
    Boiling water
    1 egg, beaten
    1/4 cup milk
    Oil for frying
    Yum. Just make damned sure your oil is hot enough, yeah.