Duck Crepinettes, Pork Rillettes & Pancetta ! Fatted Calf News

be one with the crepinette

Up until recently, many of you had been reading Meathenge. Yet the true flavors have been eluding you. Our picnic a few weekends ago a large percentage were able to come by and TASTE. Yeah well, that ain’t happening this weekend. However, you can get close. This week the Special is the “Porchetta” style bone in pork loin roasts. This is Biggles’ favorite roast, at least for the time being. Here is a meat fan quote, “Yeah, but this roast blows the others right out of the water.” That’s how good this one is, truly.
They’ve got another special this week, Hoffman Farm Quail stuffed with a whole fig and savory pork sausage. Heh, these are fine little guys and deserve some attention, smoky attention. Nothing finer than Figs & Pigs, no sir.
And my dear crepinette flavor this week? Duck Crepinettes with Green Olives and Herbs. Yup, that right there people is a match made in meaty heaven. And as a parting gift to yourself? Grab a duck leg all confited, heh.
Please read onward The Fatted Calf Newsletter written by Kim O’Neill.

Fatted Calf
Phone/Fax (510)653-4327
Whew. have you ever been torn between two lovers? Well, Ok, not lovers, but, maybe, torn between two really lovely things?
We are having a slight problem this time of year: Grilling has been going on all summer long, and, as the days get shorter, the oven is beckoning. Of course you know that this delightful seasonal dichotomy brings one very delicious dilemma: Oven or grill? This “problem” comes with a very yummy solution. Cook with both. Don’t know about you, but the urge to roast just takes us over when the nights get cooler. And yet…the grill and the picnic basket still beckon. So here’s the game plan: celebrate summer during the day. Picnic and grill to your heart’s content. Dr. Taylor’s prescription would surely include Fegatelli, Petit Sec Aux Herbes and Pork Rillettes for your picnic, and for your grill, perhaps some sausage? Duck Crepinettes with Green Olives and Herbs are sounding mighty fine, and since summer is still here, how about some beer brats to go with that beer? And Dr. Topnonia reminds us that Hoffman Quail are back-!- stuffed with some sausage and even a fig! After five or so, the oven enters the picture and demands our celebrated “Porchetta” style bone-in pork roast, perfectly done in the oven or, what the heck, on the grill if you have a sweater and a flashlight.
Problem solved. Not usually what you think of when you hear about “eating for two”, but we know you’re flexible.
See you at the market!
Saturday, August 28, 2005
“Porchetta” style bone in pork loin roasts
Hoffman Farm Quail stuffed with a whole fig and savory pork sausage
Duck Crepinettes with Green Olives and Herbs
Sweet Italian
Mexican Style Chorizo
Breakfast Sausage
Beer Brats
Pates, Confits & Terrines
Pate Maison
Guinea Hen Terrine
Duck Confit
Duck Rillettes
Pork Rillettes
Petit Sec Aux Herbes
Umbrian Salami
Other Meaty Goods
Duck Demi
Glace de Viande
Sugo di Carne

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