Meathenge wins Meatiest Entry at Does My Blog Look Good in This?

Cool! I thought for sure I was the only meat related entry. Apparently not and I win Meatiest Category at this version of Does my blog look good in this?
What is this happening? It’s a contest where you are asked to choose a post with the best image out of a specific month. You send this url to the hosting food blog and then at some point they judge it. Cool, eh?
If you take the time to check out the entries, they’re pretty darned good. I like the chicken stock ice cube one, neat.
Congratulations to me.

4 thoughts on “Meathenge wins Meatiest Entry at Does My Blog Look Good in This?

  1. Okay Biggs, buddy, this looks like meat loaf to me!
    I was raised on meat loaf and I love meat loaf. My mom had her own version of meat loaf.
    So, what are we viewing in the pic? Is it meat loaf and if it is, where the sam hill is the recipe??????????????????
    Waiting with baited breath!!!
    Gimme more!!