I heard rumors about this grill a while back and ever since it’s been rattlin’ in the back of mind. It wasn’t until the other day when CB sent me the link to Woodflame’s web site that I said, “THAT’S IT !!!”
Why am I so excited about a portable grill that I don’t own and have never seen or used? It’s because it uses wood and not propane. Oh, I know what you’re thinking. Weber and the likes have been making portable charcoal fired grills for more than a million years. So why is this different from your humble Smokey Joe?
It’s got this little “stove” that jets air UP through a few small chunks of hardwood and cooks your food this way.

You can cook an entire meal with just a few small hunks and get this (listen up propane lovers), you’re ready start grilling in just 2 minutes. I’m not sure, but I’ll bet a propane grill ain’t even ready to cook that fast. The owners manual says the Delecto model has 9 fan settings, so you can go from just a little fire (designed for smoking) up to a flame that’ll deliver you over 60k btu’s, that’s a lot by the way. It’s enough to deep fry and boil water and apparently this little rig does just that. So, not only do you get a wood burning grill & smoker, but you also get a very powerful portable stove.
That all sounds so good, what could possibly be the downside to this little rig? Well, you’re tied to electricity. The Delecto uses 4 D cell batteries and you can get an AC adapter for it. But after thinking about it for a few days I don’t think that’s a deal breaker. Modern electric motor technology has come a long way and I’ll bet you get some decent life out of those batteries. And besides, what would you rather lug around? 4 extra batteries or one of those steel propane tanks? I’d vote for the batteries and real smoke flavors.
Why don’t I buy one cause my grill is nearly ready to fall over and die? Why did I not hit BUY NOW the other day? It isn’t large enough for my needs. I need a grill about 3 to 5 times that size for my yearly needs. So, my search continues. But yours doesn’t have to. If I didn’t need such a large grill, I’d buy this in a second. Woodflame looks to be a small company attempting to make it out in the big scary world. I say Kudos to the geniuses that brought us this little grill. Thank you so much for not making another damned propane grill.
ps – Please visit their web site for a far better description, user manuals and dealer locations.
6155 Des Grandes-Prairies Blvd.
Montreal (Québec), Canada
H1P 1A5
Telephone : 514 328-2929
Tol free: 1 888 664-6966
Fax : (514) 328-0029
Very, very cool. Even with a fan doing a convection number, though, I wonder how evenly it would cook, especially with the lid up?
They really should send us a couple to evaluate, I think…
The miracles of modern science!
Yeah – I saw this too and got excited – but it is a bit pricey. Naytheless, I may well end up getting one for quick grillin during the week when I don’t want to wander all the way out back and fire up the other grill.
I’ve been looking for a portable grill since I live in an apartment. This totally is a no-brainer cuz its portable, heats up really fast, and the clean-up is minimal. I would never buy a gas grill since it lacks flavor and charcoal grills are just very cumbersome and a hassle to cleanup
Hey Salman,
YES, and thank you. Gas sucks and this is a wonderful way of getting great flavor, safely, in an apartment setting.
This is why I opted to do the post sight unseen. It looks great on paper and I’ve heard good things about it.
Please let them know you saw it here on Meathenge. I don’t get anything for that, but it ‘s nice to know where your sales are coming from.
I have seen one in operation about 10 or so years ago and was amazed the amount a heat it throws off . A friend of mind picked one up in canada, I wounder if this is the same company
I have owned that grill for mode than 6 years and believe me, it IS great. You just have to find logs to cut that are the good size (ie not too large). As far as batteries are concerned, I kept extra batteries for YEARS wihout needing them.
When it comes to taste, there is NOTHING like a wood grilled steak, or whatever else for that matter.
Where can i buy one?
Where can i buy one .I am in China,If you provide ,please let me know the products cost and shipping cost,how to pay it.ths
i love your grill but i’m having a hard time finding a place to order parts to replace wornout ones. also would like to know if there are any dealers in texas.
est ce que vous en avez encore a votre magasin,,merci
I’m looking for wood for my Bbq.
I live in Gatineau, Can you help
I really like my woodflame ,but i need that wood and where can I buy it
Thank you
Does anyone know where I can buy a Delecto wood burning grill?
Does anyone know where I can buy a Delecto wood burning grill?
i have a delecto that needs rebuild kit grates,firetube