Knife Sharpening Class with Eric E. Weiss

Hey, were you the one with that dull ass knife over the holiday whacking repeatedly in to your roasted meat hunks making a complete mess out of it? Sure your knife skills may be that of a rabid beaver, but it could very well be it’s time to get a new edge on those old rigs. Ya know, you should sharpen them at least twice a year, depending on use.
I can hear you now, “But Biggles, I use that steely thing at least once a month!”
That “steely thing” should be used each time you use your knife and only realigns the hairs on the existing edge. This edge goes away over time and needs to be made new again. Haven’t you always wondered how these surreal & magical people do this to our beloved knives?
Wonder no more my friend! For Eric E. Weiss is here to shead light in to where we only dreamed of going. That’s right, he’s going to show you how to sharpen your own knives. This coming February 12th, starting at 6:30 to 8:30pm in Emeryville, Eric will go in to great detail about all things sharp and how to keep them that way. The cost is only $55.00 bux.
Read on, foo.


Monday, February 12, 2007
6:30pm – 8:30pm $55.00
Paulding & Company, A Creative Kitchen
1410 D 62nd St., Emeryville, 94608
You will be taught to hone your knives to perfection by hand.
A sharpening stone and honing oil is included in the price.
Bring your chef’s knife and paring knife and 1 other.

Eric’s sharpening experience spans 30 years. Born in England, raised in Germany, his love affair with all things sharp began in boyhood. This devotion grew with him through military service to the Queen, and comes to fruition at Bay Area Farmer’s Markets, Restaurants, Catering Companies, Retail and Private Homes. During this unique hands-on class Eric gladly shares his true wealth of historical, cultural, and scientific knowledge about the blade.
Class details/registration at
Paulding & Co.


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