Shuna’s Baking Classes: March 11 & 25, 2007

Here we see an actual Pate A Choux doughnut from one of Shuna’s classes. And yes, I took it!

Hey you!
Yeah, you. The one on the fence, over there. Get down and come over here. The weather is brightening and the sun is shinier. It’s 2007 and it’s time to get back in the kitchen, you’ve had enough rest.
Quiddit, don’t give me that ol’ line. I don’t wanna hear it. Just because she’s holding these two classes, doesn’t mean they will always be there in the future. You need to contact Shuna directly over at her web site, Eggbeater. Looks like it only costs $100.00 bux. While that’s more than $55, you’re not going to be able to find a fancy pastry chef with Shuna’s credentials and skill set at another venue, nope!
Go now!

2 thoughts on “Shuna’s Baking Classes: March 11 & 25, 2007

  1. I am there, thank you.
    And then we are eating my freshmen attempt at re-creating something from it, as I’ll have to practice on someone.
    Consider it a warning: egg-whites, sugar, and copious quantities of butterfat are on your horizon…..