Grilled Garlic & Bacon Too !!!

I’d like to lay down paragraphs all about the photograph that you see perched above us there. But I don’t believe it’s really necessary. However, I do want to make clear that I did slice the top off the bulb so the extra virgin could penetrate. Then, the bacon on top completes it.
Once done, smoosh over toasted, buttered, crusty breadses.
How did the bacon start out on the grill?

The bacon started out with this fine meal up on top of a tritip beef roast & pork loin roast. Once it renders down some, grill directly over a mellow fire. Once the bacon is getting close to how you like it, place on nestled garlic clove.
An evening in the life.
xo, Biggles

10 thoughts on “Grilled Garlic & Bacon Too !!!

  1. Holy fargin’ moly big red bat-dude! Brilliant!
    Is that grill o’ Chile’s getting all the use lately? Watch it bro’……are you losing touch with the others there amigo?
    Wait…….what the hell. That could never happen. Nevermind.

  2. Rev,
    You’re a sick puppy. I’m so glad you found your place in life.{thinking, I just brought home some fresh garlic from the farmers’ market…}

  3. I agree entirely with another commentator: never ever read the Biggs’s site when Hungry; especially, Hungry in a part of the world where this type of food can only be obtained by way of the “Shadow Economy!”

  4. Oh, Lordy! I am forwarding this to someone who will (I hope) make this for me on his grill since I do not have one — I know: heresy!! (Maybe you know of a fabulous small grill for singletons.) The idea of pre-cooking the bacon on top of the meat is nothing short of brilliant, Biggles. What would happen if I licked the screen?