Our plucky hero is taking a much needed breather, relaxation central.

I wanted to stop by and send my love to ya’ll. By no means is Meathenge Labs in a slump, we’re doing very well. And I have to say, it’s a Big Well. Not only have I asked & received from Fatted Calf my very own customized sausage, but am taking regular days off during the week to hang out and grill and or smoke. I’ve spent more than 7 hours in the garden wreaking havoc with those damned sticky bushes and whatever else was in my way. We have a substantial yard here and it’s a bare slate. So just planting trees and goodies all pell mell won’t do, I have to consider each planting. I’m wanting to do good here, it takes Deep Thought. If that wasn’t enough, I finally (after 5.5 years) have a computer at home! No big deal for most, but it took me over 2 weeks of cleaning, tossing and scrubbing out 20′ x 20′ detached garage to get that going. Today? I’m doing more in the polishing department.
What do I need? I need a certified electrician and all around great person to come by and upgrade the power and help me build a kitchen out here. Anyone hip? I have sausage.
Hugs and love to everyone, Meathenge Cares.

3 thoughts on “Our plucky hero is taking a much needed breather, relaxation central.

  1. Tear it up, Doc! I’m happy to hear about all your plans and activities, and looking forward to future posts! Yee-haw!