Soggy, Cold & Dark. But I gots bacon!

Oh where oh where can our Biggles be? Oh where oh where can he be?
I would be inside, that’s where. I think by now everyone has noticed that it’s dark far earlier, can get kinda nippy at times and for the last few days in the SF Bay Area? It’s been flooding (that’d be rain). Today some parts will see thunder & lightening along with some 60+ mile per hour winds. I emailed Cookiecrumb from I’m Mad and I Eat, she’s been under her comforter during the nasties. That’s where I’m headed in a moment, too.
There’s a reason I posted an image of our detached garage there, on the right. See, that’s where my computer is, where the images get resized and where I can sit quietly and make Meathenge bend to my evil ways. This building is fine during the warmer parts of the year. However, right now those 59 year old garage doors are just about out of usefulness. There’s a 1″ to 2″ gap around each of them and they don’t hold still. Back & forth, back and forth in the wind and rain. The concrete floor is glossy with moisture and I have to say, being out here can really suck, especially in the dark. This, and the holidays have left Meathenge high and dry. Sure I’m still hosting meals, roasting world-class leg of lambs and carrying on, but it ain’t getting posted, that’s for sure.
Luckily we got a break in the weather for a little bit and I ran to the garage to reseat the burlap coffee bags rolled up under and around the doors, nail a few things in to place and make this post.
Wanna see the Canadian Bacon that Chilebrown made and dropped off a few days ago?

Chilebrown dropped this hunk o’ bacon off last Monday after Christmas. We had a guest stay over, she’d driven in from Sonoma County and shouldn’t have driven back. Not because of wine, but because of blurry gravy vision, makes you smiley and woozy.
Picture this, we were up and about the next morning. Cleaning up after a huge meal the day before. I had a pot of coffee on and Babs was sippeing her tea. As I was getting ready to start up the Egg-in-a-holes for breakfast, I casually asked Z to go to the front porch and pick up our, “Fresh Bacon Delivery”. Oh, the look on Babs’ face was priceless. Chilebrown had done a batch of shoulder bacon and Canadian bacon and had dropped it off in the wee hours on his way to work. Too cool.
So, as you can see. While were a bit soggy and my computer area isn’t in the best state, we’re doing just fine. Thanks CB !!

15 thoughts on “Soggy, Cold & Dark. But I gots bacon!

  1. Your “computer isn’t in the best state”? Dude, when did you move to West Virginia? You got a barn in your backyard!
    Nice to hear from you once in a while. You’re lucky a wild animal didn’t make off with the bacon.

  2. Hey Cookie,
    Hmm, maybe I should have said, “My computer isn’t in the best location.” ?
    Or, “The location of my computer would be better off at the bottom of a swimming pool.” ? Or probably in my shower. I’d take a picture, but it’s too pathetic.
    Anyone out there got a load of 2x4s, plywood, nails and two strong arms (you do it) to wall off those old doors? That and some insulation and I could lay down a carpet! Meathenge needs you !!!

  3. Hey Kalyn,
    Thanks for stopping by! Yeah, it is a nice hunk and happy new year to you as well. We’re off to a party in walnut creek and have a hotel reservation all set!
    Hugs to all.

  4. Ms. Goofy says the only time we can leave the house now,is for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, because of my Head Inflation. We are in negotiations to attend Dr. BBQ’s cooking class in Portland in March. We might have to take a detour on the way back to A&B markert to pick up some of the(Gold Standard) Bacon. Happy New Year. Peace,Paul

  5. Hey, Cookie! I resemble that remark! (Born in West Virginia, but currently living in Appalachian Ohio, which is slightly better.)
    Besides–Dr. Biggle’s barn can’t be in West Virginia. If it was West Virginia, there’d be a vehicle of some derivation up on blocks in front of it, with a hound dog lounging underneath and hens roosting on the dashboard….
    Happy New Year to you and yours, Biggles!

  6. Hey, Dr, B., Happy New Year to you and the family! May it be better and brighter than last (even with all this rain stuff). One of my resolutions for the year is to get enough stuff done on the house that I am permitted to spend some extra energy on that wood-burning oven I talked to you about and that means on a tandoor for you too!

  7. Hey Owen,
    Happy Merry to you !!!
    You mean it’s raining out there too ??? Sheet.
    I can’t make resolutions, they don’t make sense to me. And, I’m not good with guidelines & rules.

  8. duuuuuuuuude;
    I saw the coolest legs of lamb this weekend up in the mountains. They were at the regular grocery store, about 18″ long and about 5-10 pounds for 45 bucks. Don’t think I didn’t think of you. To think that would be unthinkingly thinkless.

  9. LOL I wish I had picked one up. Weekend too expenseive already from skiing.
    Hey did you see the bone marrow recipes in the Chron today?