Food Pr0n – Sharing is Caring

How could I possibly take this photograph last night and not share it with you today. I mulled it over for 4 or so hours and decided, “It’s going up!”.
The boys and I have taken our local Joya de Ceren market to heart lately and added some kind of taco dish at least once or twice a week. In the past we’ve used their premade meat/pepper/onion mixes, they’re all really good. But they have a chile powder and related in them (yum!). And unfortunately Z ain’t hip to them flavors, so I decided to make my own, sorta. Sure I’ll be compiling my own lime based marinade soon, but a bottle of La Lechonera Spanish Marinating Sauce did just fine for last night.
Check out the picture of a fat little piggy, in a sling, with the marinade also in a sliing, getting the piggy all ready. Priceless.
We ended up eating 2 pounds of flank steak for one dinner. A little excessive I know, but it was really good. Especially with corn tortillas that get all puffy when you heat them, so good. I’ll make up my own marinaddy for next week and see how that goes.

Cook’s Illustrated Magazine – Those bastards sent me another damned free copy

Author’s note: There is actually a point to this post other than a poorly written rambling rant.
After giving this another thought, nope. This is a poorly written rambling rant without a point.
Quite a few years ago now, maybe 7, I received my first copy of Cook’s Illustrated Magazine. I signed myself up for a few years, was feeling full of myself because we’d bought our first home a year before. Life was going to be grand. Aww, I remember it fondly, one of my first issues and it was spring time, a grilling issue and it was all mine.

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Chicken Creole – A Family Circle Recipe Meathenge Style

Um, this recipe actually turned out really tasty. I pulled it out of a 1968 Family Circle Great Chicken Recipes book, see?
Yeah, that one. I had originally wanted to do a recipe from a recent Food & Wine issue. But after nodding off while reading the list of ingredients I decided this book would do just fine for a Saturday evening. Come see, the pictures are quit tastee.

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What you see ain’t necessarily what you gits

As you all know, I spend my time driving about town gazing in to the early morning sky, noon and evening skies. This morning was no different and was able to pull to the side of the road, run to the back of the wagon, hatch open and lens change with shutter snapping.
Um, this IS a color image and taken at 8:15 in the morning. Every detail was lit up and fine. But this is what my camera captured. Man, check out the levels, they all over the damned place. Very cool stuff that light recording is.

Mexican Creamy Poblano Rice – Rice Perfection

Ya know how you’ll be reading your daily reads? And something passes before you and you point your finger and go, “That’s it, that’s the one.”? This was one of those recipes and I did it last night, oh man did I ever. I had a really good idea as to what it was going to taste like, but it was even better when I actually got a mouthful. You, are, going, to, love, this, dish. Thank you Jerry of Cooking by the Seat of my Pants for having Ben Herrera as a guest writer from What’s Cooking?.

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Meathenge Labs travels to Monterey

Admittedly, I don’t have any food prose for today. But the photographs came out so nicely, I wanted to share them with anyone that might be interested. And yes, had a wonderful time with friends. We spent our time talking about old times (1985 roomates), relaxing and eating Fatted Calf faire. Luckily enough Jeffrey lives in Calistoga and stopped by Oxbow on his way down.
xo, Biggles
ps – If you click on images you should receive a far larger one in return.

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I got pork, I got chop, I got gravy. It’s a Richmond thing.

Been spending more and more time at Joya de Ceren market, it’s close, it’s happy. Plus, when shopping for dinner, I really have to work at spending over 10 bux for everything I need. Crazy, huh? I made my way back to the meat counter and had planned on their marinated meat action, always good. But noticed these crazy little center cut pork chops. They had fat and most importantly, they had plenty of bone in there (best flavors to gnaw on). So, I had Omar toss in 4 of those, just in case.

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Tonight is brought to you by Chocolate, butter and Janis.

Let’s have a little juicy excerpt from Big Brother and the Holding Company on the Mainstream label …
Peter Albin – bass
David Getz – drums
James Gurley – guitar
Sam Andrew – guitar
Janis Joplin – vocal
Side 2, 3rd cut:
Down on me, down on me,
Looks like everybody in this whole round world
They’re down on me.
Love in this world is so hard to find
When you’ve got yours and I got mine.
That’s why it looks like everybody
in this whole round world
They’re down on me.
Saying they’re down on me, down on me.
Looks like everybody in this whole round world
Down on me.
When you see a hand that’s held out toward you,
Give it some love, some day it may be you.
That’s why it looks like everybody
in this whole round world
They’re down on me, yeah.
Lord, they’re down on me, down on me, oh!
Looks like everybody in this whole round world
Is down on me.
Believe in your brother, have faith in man,
Help each other, honey, if you can
Because it looks like everybody in
this whole round world
Is down on me.
I’m saying down on me, oh, down on me, oh!
It looks like everybody in this whole round world
Down on me!!
I dedicate this post to Kathryn & Gloria.

xo, Biggles

Meathenge’s Meat Liquor Beans

Do I know what the hell I’m doing? Absolutely not. However, I am bright enough to know when the inspiration hits? Run like a 9 legged, 3 winged duck on acid. Yeah buddy, contemplate that one on The Tree of Woe.
I visted my favorite El Salvadorean market (Joya de Ceren) last night to pick up some tortillas for Tiny E’s cheese & bacon burritos, Omar wasn’t there though. I just couldn’t leave without something else, had to find something. Turns out they got a bitchen selection of really great looking beans from El Salvador. I grabbed me a packge of the red ones!

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A meme! 5 Sordid Facts about Dr. Biggles.

Yay! Zoomie over in Zoomiestation tagged me for a meme, 5 Sordid facts.
Okay, last things first. One of the most evil parts of these things is, once tagged, we get to tag 5 other people who have to go through the same fun we do. Cool, eh?
First off, let’s bring in our good friend and colleague Chilebrown at Mad Meat Genius. Then and only then, Monkey Wrangler at sourdough monkey wrangler. If Doctor Jones was here, he’d be next. But alas, Dr. Five Pints is elsewhere. Jerry over at Cooking by the seat of my Pants! needs a little detour from the food network. Oh, Kevin of Seriously Good could use some of my good pestering, for sure. And because it’s always nice to be asked to play in someone else’s sandbox, I invite Shuna of Eggbeater. If you’d like to be tagged, axe or just take it upon yourself to do one too. Then yell at me in the comments so everyone can visit your playtime. Now, without further ado ..

  • I buy a pack of cigarettes each year in an attempt to start smoking. So
    far, in over 10 years, no luck.
  • Once a year or so, I’ll freak out and gut something. Such as a room, closet
    or area. Then, start over clean.
  • I let my dish sponge rest on its side so it dries quicker, it’s my nature.
  • I’m very proud of many things that I do and will mention it until you say,
    "Great job Biggles! Now go the F away."
  • My hobbies/jobs have all included computers & electronics since 1971 (when I took my first record player apart to remove the speaker so I could add them to another rig.) But I hate them all and would rather live on an apple farm and not be bothered.

Alright, so the sponge thing isn’t so sordid. But I wanted to mention it until I get praise.
xo, Biggles
Now, about that orange picture. A man with a handtruck loaded with bags of oranges knocked at my door. I bought 15 pounds worf, turned to juice. I condered doing something else with them, but I didn’t think they’d have much life left in them (plain jane Oranges) and it was mid-week. No time pally boy!