Tuesday evening Tiny E came from the kitchen and said to me, “Papa, we need to go shopping to fill up the fridge.” And I’m thinkin’, “I’d rather go shopping to fill up my tummy.” We did both.
One of my things is to start on the side of the grocery store where there’s no meat. This way I can weave my way through the store, ever building my expectations. Was hoping for the sale on the baby back porky ribs, nope. Guess what I spied with my meaty eye? Those large packages of beef with the little spice packet for to make the corned beef dinner! Sure if I was a real go gettem’ food blogger I’d spice my own. But it was Tuesday evening and wasn’t feeling it.
As you can see, this post is here because the pictures came out all pretty. Boiling meat for 2.5 hours with spice packet, then adding taters and cabbage doesn’t exactly count, in my book, as a recipe. It was a fricken’ great meal though. And the leftovers? I can hardly wait.
Oh, and this meal doubles as an air freshener.
xo, Biggles
Author Archives: admin
Where’s Ted? A series wherein we search for that elusive rancher
This just in, from yesterday afternoon, directly from Jlee. She spotted Ted!
You see, back in September I started a series called Where’s Ted? This would be Ted of Highland Hills Farm. Anyway, I realized that time and time again I’d run across either Ted and/or his famous rancher truck (beaten and muddy). Jlee had spied him on occasion, traveling at great rates of speed with hay flying in all directions. OH, it’s such great fun to find Ted.
This is where our story takes a dreadful turn. You see, while Jlee did most certainly find Ted, his truck was no wheres to be seen. Ted said he’d sold it, shudder. And you know what? He’s not saying what he replaced it with, no sir. Jlee wasn’t able to get it out of him. It’s a mystery!
Please if you’ve seen Ted, help solve this mystery. I can’t go on much longer not knowing what he’s driving, how will I know if I’ve seen Ted or not? The world needs to know.
Stormwatch 2008 – 100 mph winds say bye bye!
Muffins vs. Cupcakes or an Attractive Woman?
Tiny E and I made some cupcakes yesterday. He was feeling a little blue about not being 12 or 13 like his brother and neighbor boy (read here: being left out and taunted). So, Super Papa jumped in and grabbed a box wherein you add the eggs, water and oil=cupcakes. We had a great time and I had the wits to remember the food coloring.
Let’s just say Tiny E found out what happens when you add all kinds of different colors together, Shrek Cupcakes.
Over the last 24 hours the discussion arose over the difference between cupcakes and muffins. The boys discussed this amongst themselves for quite some time. My immediate response was that cupcakes are usually of a very cakey substance with icing. Wherein a muffin is something more substantial and doesn’t have icing. All good.
As of tonight, after dinner, we really needed to resolve this issue. So I went straight to the World Book, nada. Next up, The New Oxford American Dictionary. I was pretty spot on with my definition. But what caught me was the second definition of cupcake, 2nd dfinition was an attractive woman. The howling only now is slowing to a crawl.
ps – Hey there cupcake, fries come with that shake?
Happy New Year !!! A fresh meaty canvas it is, 2008.
Click on pretty meat picture for larger badass version.
Yay, we’re in an even numbered year. Thank goodness, you don’t know how happy that makes me. You just can’t lose in an even numbered year. It’s like making sad music with a banjo, you just can’t do it. The meaty picture above was from a little meat fest Meathenge Labs hosted on the 26th of December of last year. We did pork spare ribs, baby back ribs and a juicy flank steak. Oh my!
Oh my is right, forgot to buy onion powder. Never been a fan of the garlic powder, but I do love my onion powder. What’s my go-to rub going to be without its key ingredient? Pah, I dunno.
4 parts Paprika
2 parts chile powder
1 part salt
2 part oregano
1.5 parts or less of celery seeds
1 or 2 parts cumin seeds, toasted (whiz oregano, celery seeds and cumin seeds together)
1 or 2 parts white/black pepper
1 part cayenne powder
and a little more salt!
Ribs got rubbed. Flank got marinated with the above rub doused with orange juice. Grilled indirectly with applewood charcoal and cherry wood branches for smoky love. Serve with ice cold Schlitz and a few sides.
Here’s a pretty photograph of the last sunset of 2007. Goodbye you craggy ol’ bastard, smell ya later.
Most certainly click on image for larger one, hey.
Happy Merry !!!
Please click on image for a far larger photograph of love.
Sorry, can’t live without the turkey. It’s the gravy I crave, this and only. When I try the other more adventurous menus? The love and care gets murky, quite quickly. Biggles no likey. That rich perfume between the stuffing and crackly skin make my core all smiley, nose bones come alive. You can have your lamb, ham & beef of all kinds. I can’t live without the turkey, it’s the gravy I crave.
Love to you all and Merry Happy,
Bottom Round Beef Roast with Butter on Top
You know the ones, they’re shaped like a triangle log. Fat on one lengthy side and the rest looks pretty lean? Was looking for a tri-tip or sirloin, but no luck. It’s the holidays for crissakes, why would they have those cuts? Sigh.
It was 4:30 in the afternoon on Wednesday, I had a preheated oven, could I get this on the table in time?
Happy Friday Everyone !!! Ponder thine yak meat
click on pitcher for larger
Little Eddy came in to my office the other day, he’s the one that gave me the idea for doing a post about Chinch Meat (chinchilla). He wanted me to do a search for Yak Meat, I did.
Google lead me directly to Delyaks, our yak source!
I’m pretty excited and will probably order some after paying of the holiday bills. Apparently it’s 95% to 97% fat free and is filled with Omega 3 oils, CLA’s, Oleic Acids,and Stearic Acids. Healthier for us than skinless chicken breasts and fish? They say it’s true. Not gamey, not greasy, juicier than buffalo and delicately flavored? Dang, that’s pretty darned impressive.
Welp, look for a yak post coming up in our future. There’s tons of information and pictures on their web site, go have a gander.
xo, Biggles
ps – Sure I talked about yak meat, but I really wanted some way of sharing the sunrise with you.
El Salvadorian Meatloaf or Biggles is playing with his food again
I call this, Meat Therapy. I had a hankerin’ for some meatloaf the other night, a good solid hank. I knew Tiny E wouldn’t have anything to do with it, so I figured I could really mess with the recipe I usually use and not hurt anyone. Or piss them off, that’s no good. Wanna come see what I did to this one?
Aquasana Drinking Water System – A Review
You wanna start a fight? Get the conversation pointed towards bottled vs. filtered vs. tap. Go ahead, I triple-dog dare you.
I buy bottled water from time to time for the convenience only. Good for hiking, driving or whatever. The tap water we receive from EBMUD flat out rules. I’ve never even remotely considered blowing my hard earned cash on any filtration system. Okay, well I did buy one years ago. You know the ones? Those bulbous things that hangs off your faucet? Yeah, it made me shake and scream. TOSS.
Aquasana wasn’t going to have it easy.
My Sweet Vegan – A cookbook by Hannah Kaminsky
Whoa, hang on there Tex, slow down. Listen up, for as long as I can remember I’ve been a staunch supporter of grass roots organizations. And this woman is someone you want to know more about, at least read the following. This just now rolled in via email and my jaw was open through the entire thing.
YOU GO HANNAH !!! Kick some vegan ASS !!! And of course, this ass that would be receiving the kicking, is a vegan one.
Please read this, now.
Knife Sharpening Class with Eric E. Weiss
There are at least 2 kinds of people this time of year, in regards to buying/giving gifts. Some are brilliant, you know who they are. They know how to shop, they do it early and their choices are legendary. Then, there’s my type. Lousy, last minute shoppers who give gifts that just plain blow. This makes both of us feel like dirt for a while. How would you like an easy one? An absolutely awesome gift that for a little outlay will get you ‘in’ with the cool kids.
That’s right, buy your friend, lover, partner or spouse the gift of learning how to sharpen their own knives! Here’s the crutch though, you have to move on this one. Why? Because Eric’s next class is coming up this monday, December 10th. See? Shopping done!
Bring a few knives to sharpen and at least one that can take a lot of abuse.
Location: Kitchen On Fire
1509 Shattuck Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94709
6:30 – 8:30
Again, you need to move on this one. Call today and secure your place of honor. After that, you may want to write down some questions that you’ve always wanted to know the truth about. Those rumors spread from nitwits at your local mega mart. Such as, don’t use a steel it prematurely wears down your knife. Come prepared and be on time.
ps – Am told that you can just actually show up on time and be allowed to attend, ain’t that cool? Make a date of it !!!
Better Homes & Gardens Barbecue Book – Neat discoveries
The images are larger than normal because I wanted to make them larger. This blog does what I tell it to.
If you’re any kind of outdoor cooking enthusiast, you’ve got this book. If not, you’ve got one or five just like it. The drawings, photographs & recipes are fun to pour through. Meathead gifted me this one a few weeks ago. While flipping through I found two reasons that made it a tad more interesting. Visit with me on a little journey back to the later 1950s, won’t you?
Pork 4 Kids – It’s not what you’re thinking.
Sure, you think I’m going to do some cutsy little post about how to involve yer youngin’s with piggies. Nope, not even remotely. No, see this post is about another web site and it’s name is Pork 4 Kids. Chilebrown sent this over a few weeks ago, go have a look. It creeped me out at first, but they have games and you can even make your own placemats for the dinner table!
Thank you CB.
Meathenge’s 2 Pound Pork Steak or wtf you doin’ Biggles?
Alright, so I was in Joya de Ceren, an El Salvadorian grorcery in Richmond, for pork chops last night. They had some really wicked little chops all riddled with juicy fat. Yoink. Just one row over I noticed they had some pork shoulder pieces. I love pork shoulder. I rarely see it cut like this, it was cut just a tad over 2″ thick. Kinda like a pork steak, only measured in pounds. Yeah, I bought it. That and two smaller chops, two sodas came to a whopping 8 bux. But how to prepare?