Beautiful Meat Photograph: RIGHT NOW !!!

As I type this, these chops have not been eaten yet. The aroma is pungeant with that porky chop love that everyone just loves to die for. You know the one, where it’s been seared fast in a cast iron pan? Yeah, that’s what I had in mind. See?
xo, Biggles

Tofino style pork & Rotal barbecue grill – 2 entries in 1

Oh, which item to tackle first? The Rotal Barby or the Tofino style pork shoulder? Before we do either, I want to make it perfectly clear that I most certainly did not use the word Barby to be cheeky. Personally, if someone says to me, “Let’s put another shrimp on the barby.” I’ll cleave them in twain, like right now. No, the name Barby is actually imprinted on the rig directly. Not only that, they trademarked the word Barby, they can have it. So, it really is a Rotal Barby. Ever heard of one? Seen one?
Click through my good fellow or fellee and come see this fancy pork shoulder and a new grill for Meathenge Labs.

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Meathenge Inspires a Chef Across the Country!

My most excellent friend Kevin of Seriously Good, whom I spoke with today, informed me that his recent adventure was inspired by a meat photograph I took recently. He rambled his self down the Florentine road and came up with Pork Chops Florentine.
I’m impressed and wishing some of his creation was warm, and in front of me. Go have a gander and it could very well inspire something within you.
xo, Biggles

Happy Friday and Fun with Markets!

Welcome to Friday, most of us have the next few days off. And I, for one am looking forward to it. CB dropped off a few grills from his collection the other day and am making my way through their finer points. Which leads me to a game!
On your way home today or during your travels, take a different route. Make a left turn instead of a right, go straight or go for a walk. Seek out a little grocery you’ve never been to. A little grocery you’ve always meant to stop by or one that you’ve only now found. Stop and say hi to the checker, what aromas waft first? Slowly walk the isles, looking up and down, poke about. When you’ve found whatever tickles your fancy, purchase it with ideas as to what to might go with. You may want to buy a nice refreshing beverage and if they have seats out front, sit down and watch the world slowly pass.
This is what Biggles will be doing later on this afternoon.
xo, Biggles

First Turning: Maters of 2007

We moved in January of 2000 and have been here ever since. That’s the most stable I’ve been since moving out in 1982 (gradiated high school). Watching a garden grow and change over the years hasn’t been in my reality and am now in awe every year. More so this year because I haven’t killed everything I planted. That and the sheer size of these ‘mater plants is insane!

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Biggles Method: Grilled Corn on Cob

Once upon a time, at grillside many years ago, handfuls of corn hit the grill with surprising ease. Yet the flavors were something that not everyone includes in their corn meez. Come along my fairytale friend and we’ll discover just what these ears crave.
“It’s easy.” said Jlee. All you need to do is remove that corn fuzz and leave enough of the husk to cover the budding kernals. Treat ear tips with a cone of foil to hold in place, set on grill for 20 to 30. That’s Minutes there, son.

Before their time has come, lay down that bacon slice that’s been smoking at grill side. Allow bacon sauce to enter the cornfolds ever so gently, quietly. Use time to make sure the corn slowly begins to smile. And when it does? Pull the husks back to expose your corn to the direct heat and let the colors turn.
xo, Biggles

No Grill? No worries. A meaty weekend in Calistoga.

Jeffrey and I have known each other now for about 22 years. We email and talk once in a while, meat up from time to time and reminisce when visiting Jack. This last weekend was Jeffrey’s turn to host a meal, he was hesitant. See, all he has is a little gas grill. He knew it came dreadfully short of adequate and mentioned something about picking up a weber kettle.
Nice offer, but those rigs are $130 and up. There must be a better (less expensive) way. Come with me on a little adventure wherein Biggles totally kicks a gas grill’s ASS with a hole in the ground.

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bug dude on sunflower leaf girl

Last night at sundown I headed out to catch the last few rays of the sun as it slid down over the Richmond skyline (old houses and power lines). The pumpkins and maters are coming along nicely, the latter reaching nearly 6 feet wide and 4.5 feet up. I figured I’d set my sights on the volunteer sunflower plants that found their way through the flax & chile pepper plants.
Sitting my cuttoffs squarly on the hay & dirt, I pulled my knees up to prop the camera and sat for a while. This is when it all changes. You don’t have to concentrate on standing, crouching or thinking about falling over. The angle of view can change dramatically, I’m 6 foot 2 inches. At this point the tomato plants are over my head, the coyote brush is now clearly a tree. It’s rich, oily perfume falls down I suppose, cause it’s pungent down here. The ground is kinda warm from the day’s sun. The wind is getting brisk and the little leafs wave back.
When peace starts to creep up from behind, the bright yellow/green finches return to their seed sacks. Slowly I turned, brought the camera to my eye bone and carefully snapped off a few rounds at this little bug dood. When you least expect it, it all comes back. Ain’t that cool?
xo, Biggles

Vietnam Rules !!!

Have you ever found yourself at a point where you don’t feel like cooking? Feel as though computers, pots, pans come at too high a price? It happens to everyone from time to time.
This afternoon, after work I was helping Ed and his brother Stephen bring in a new washer/dryer combo rig. It’s what guys do best, move heavy things. We quaffed a few beers and towards the end, Unky Steve offered up some Vietnamese egg role rigs. They had been made semi-recently by a co-worker and he had quite a stash.
My first reaction was, “Damned, something I’ll have to cook. I don’t want that.”
Then I kicked myself and said, “You IDIOT !!! It’s deep frying, you suck at it and it’d be a great time to put some time in. Practice my boy, practice.” So, off I ran with 2 of those baggies you see.
I paid careful attention to muh cast iron dutch oven, oil level, heat and such. Got me up to 374 degrees or so. I figured they’d all sink and fill with oil, just most of my other deep fried adventures had ended up. Nope, I timed, played and watched bubbles exit. I found that at 4 minutes, they were good to go.

It was so much fun listening to the prickly oil, keeping them moving about to distribute even oil heat and watch them brown. One by one they came out and damed if they didn’t suck. The oil content in the food was nonexistent, the quality of the little darlings was perfect. Meat to crunchy veg, tight roll, and flavors melded. This dear woman had constructed something I couldn’t screw up! I’m so excited I’m going to keep the oil and do some frying this weekend.

Yup, I ate them all. Such a refreshing treat, thank you!

Bug on Pumpkin Leaf

clicky to get larger action

Hi Everbody!
I wanted to stop by and apologize for the complete Lack. The boys are now out of school and am looking forward to some actual cooking. And by that I mean, you get to share in our meals.
The garden is alive this year and doing exceptionally well. As you can see the volunteer pumpkins are coming right along. The tomato plants are 4′ across, 4′ high and climbing, jeez. I have time to water and snap a few shots for fun.
xo, Rev. Dr. Biggles PhM