Knife Sharpening Class With Eric E. Weiss

So you can dice up your onion and slice down your carrots now with ease. Celery goes fine, stuffed with creamy cheese. But dammit man, the thought of sharpening those knives has always made you weak in the knees.
I owe you a dollar for having to read that …
Ahem. Well, suffer no longer my good friend. Mr. Weiss is here and he’s got a class coming up this coming Monday evening. Click on that image above, he got a wonderful write-up in the San Francisco Magazine recently. Cool, eh?
There’s only a few spaces left, so hurry and sign up quick. It’s only 60 bux!
MONDAY, June 18, 2007
6:30pm – 8:30pm $60.
Paulding &Company, A Creative Kitchen
1410 D 62nd. St. Emeryville, 94608
Class details/registration at
Paulding & Co.

Happy Birthday Meathenge !!! You’re this many, IIII.

Hey Biggles. Where you at son? poke poke
Hey Biggles, you dere? Whut? Hey dumbass, you do remember you have a food related web site you’re responsible for, don’t you? Where? Keeripes man, Meathenge. Oh yeah. I was wondering why it went quiet a few weeks ago. The amount of time I have available to do such things comes to about 30 minutes from time to time. I use this smidge for watching such mind numbing movies as McBain. It’s a Vietnam War era movie wherein Christopher Walken plays Chuck Norris. No really. And I should have used the word rotting for numbing.
Even through my total lack of time for to make Meathenge shine, we’ve come to our 4th birthday here! That’s right, it’s been a tad over 4 years since Meathenge hit the streets. Pretty darned cool, huh? That’s 28 in Blog Years.
I’ve made friends I can easily say will be around for a lifetime. Got some photographs published along with some recipes and even mentions in newspapers from afar. Meathenge has top rankings in google for quite a few topics, such as our beloved Andreas Viestad. Adjusting old gas ranges has turned in to a weekly discussion and the topic was posted about 2 years ago! That Caja China roasting box post I did was one of the first on the net. The only site that was of any help was Babalu. Today? It’s everywhere, even the food network. Great fun!
Without your cheers with hardly any jeers I’ve had a great time and hope to continue on in to the glistenny future. Summer is coming am looking forward to a little more time for recipes, pictures & fun. Hang tight, we’re not going away. No how, no way.
xo, Rev. Biggles
ps – That’s right, I can now bless your meat.

Brush, brush, brush your way to a thinner new you! Appetite Control Toothpaste

It says there, “The World’s First! Appetite Control Toothpaste.
What the hell ?!?! My first thought was, “Do we really need this?” And then, I figured, “Of course we do, look! It’s right there!” And yet it’s already on the clearance isle. Har har har.
I’ve been here at the keyboard over the last few minutes. Wrote down a few paragraphs, then erased paragraphs. This is so pathetic ol’ Biggles is rant free. All I can figure is that someone was looking out for the tweakers. Now speed freaks can have good teeth too. Cause you know that’s the only idiot that’d consider it. So, the next time you see some unbathed, shaky, wild eyed creature with a toothbrush in their hip pocket, check their smile. You’ll have the 411 and you saw it first at Meathenge.
xo, Biggles

Friends of the ‘Henge. Or, Dang, the internet is actually good for something!

Look what showed up on my doorstep? All packed tight with dry ice, shipped next day air an junk. It’s full of cured pork products !!!
A few years ago a commenter showed up on the Meathenge train. Seemed to be a laid back kind of guy, got smarts about him, and some minutes a day to read my ramblin’s. Times rolled along, he came and went, leaving comments behind him as he pleased. Sometimes it was just a hello and a few times it was to ruffle some feathers, even if he din’t mean to. Apologies all around and off we went.

Continue reading

Restaurante El Tazumal #2 – Richmond, CA

I believe the words appropriate for my feelings for El Tazumal #2 are, In Love.
I don’t consider myself a worldly type of guy, I’m okay with that. But if I had to judge a country by their people, El Salvador is right at the top. The restaurant & grocery next door are family run, the shopkeeper is always there. Not only are you greeted with smiles, but if nearly any type of conversation ensues, he’ll ask you would like to see pictures of his country? And it isn’t pronounced, el salvador. Throw out your hands and chest and exclaim, EL SAL VA DOR !!! Pound on that last “dor” there. The twinkle in his eyes is very apparent as he pulls out a ragged coffee table book and flips through it. “Here is MY country!” And continues, with huge amounts of pride, to show you around. His voice drops and as he says that politicallly, “It’s not so good.” All I was looking for was a simple lunch and I feel as though I should run home and pack my bags and visit, EL SAL VA DOR !!! In Love.

Continue reading

Planet ZoZo….in Carrizozo New Mexico – Real food/coffee found in travels.

Generic pretty photograph I took the other evening at sundown. Click on the image, can you see the spider web on the left?

This is about as live as you’re going to find for a food blog restaurant review. Joe Bob & Jlee are on the road at this very minute, no really. And apparently are in Carrizozo New Mexico.
I have a sneaking suspicion the images won’t arrive until after their road trip, but was instructed to get this up immediately. Here’s Joe Bob:
We finally found real food and real coffee
on our trip to Big Bend Texas. In Carrizozo
NM of all places. Open for only two weeks,
Planet ZoZo is doing a great business.
Open M-Th 6am-6pm, and F/S 6am-9pm for dinner too.
Chefs Dinner, three or so choices on Friday
and Saturday nights. Vegan friendly but meat
is served. Coffee beans by Ruidoso Roastery
in Ruidoso NM, just down the road 45 minutes.
Fresh beans within hours. Chef, pastry chef,
other employees too. An oasis in the vast desert of NM
113 Central Carrizozo, NM 88301
Full story and pics to follow upon return to Denver.
Post this now on ‘henge please.
Joe Bob

Dwight Yoakam’s Chicken Lickin’s Buffalo Style Bites

“Just Heat ‘Em and Eat ‘Em”

Oh it hurts, I don’t like it. My stomach is hurting and it’s only been a minute. Like a chicken nugget with cayenne, bad cayenne. Bad nugget. Oh, I don’t like this.
Meathead brought this package of love from the local drug store for to have lunch with. He shared a piece with me. Such a pal, eh? There was another delicious delight, but I let him have his food in peace.

For 1 dollar you get 2.95 ounces of ‘bites” in the shape of a boot. There’s 5 pieces in there at a calorie count of 230. 22% of my daily fat and 31% of the sodium intake.
Meathead says, “Oh that was awful.” And I agree, that wasn’t very good and I don’t like it.

My Lemons Suck

We planted a lemon tree about 7 years ago. Did all the mulchin’ and not as much fertilizing as we should have. Even though. Once you see the lemon growing, it takes about 2 years for it to start turning yellow. Then, I leave it for another 3 years until it “looks” mature.
At that point, the pith is inches thick and the ‘meat’ ain’t right.
Anyone got ideas as to making it right? Or is 3,4 to 5 years correct for a ripening lemon?

Here’s the tree, taken in February.

homage to an unmolested fridge / or “dude, you really eat fritos bean dip?”

Oh man, not sure why the HELL I would even remotely show you my refrigerator. Sam over at Becks & Posh showed me hers. If you show me yours, I’ll show you mine. Isn’t that how it all starts? I can only dream.
Check out the upper right with the Fritos Bean Dip along with the Welch’s Grape Jelly, cool eh? Then to the left we have Sunnyside 2% milk along with some nondescript apple juice. Behind that is some “marmelade” that hasn’t been touched in years. Below that we find the “cheese” drawer. This is more of an experimentation drawer than anything else. I have Canadian bacon in there from 2005.
As we bounce down there seems to be some dozen eggs of an ilk that I bought last week. Or was it the week before? Some yolks don’t spread too badly. At the bottom there’s the pile of Tamales that show up at my door every two weeks (breakfast). In the foil is the beef roast I did last night.

It wasn’t very good. The spice and cook action was there, but the meat was dead and non-deliverable. Below all that is the vegetable drawer. I don’t know what’s in there, probably bagged lettuce, spinach and carrots I meant to juice.
Just like Sam’s, only different.
xo, Biggles
Snap to the next morning and did this before 9am. And guess what? I set things up so nothing needs to go back on top of the fridge! I’ll have to do a collage er somethin’.

Me, again

I-580 Melted, a freeway that is!

Dang, was on the freeway heading out at 10:30 Sunday morning. A trip that usually takes me 15 minutes to get to and through, was about 45 minutes. Turns out some gasoline rig turned over, spilled its guts and caught on fire. It melted the steel and the road collapsed. Luckily nobody lost thems lives.
A hard right would have taken us to San Francisco. Light left and we’re heading East.
It totally sucked to be in that crap, my clutch leg is still sore. But check out the photograph I got on the fly !!!
I rule.
ps – The only photoshop I did was to use the channel mixer and check the monochrome box. Then? A tiny bit of sharpening, only because I was doing 30, one handed, watching traffic and not getting in another collision.

Sunday May 6, 2007 Pie & Galette Dough – Shuna is on FIRE !!

Shuna is at it once again, thank goodness. I can’t speak for everyone, but there could very well be some of us out there that are about as good at baking as Homer Simpson is at home construction. Sure you went out and spent hundreds on some fancy, bright red kweezinart rig. Book in hand you set out to make a pie dough. You probably made something that was … edible. But how would youl like a Pastry Ninja next to you guiding your every movement?
Well, now’s the time to jump. And I mean today. You’re getting the inside scoop here. If you want another day, your space could be given to someone else. It does happen you know? Don’t lag.
Sunday May 6, 2007 Pie & Galette Dough 1 – 3:30 pm
The price is $80 per person. Details of location are disclosed to registered students a few days before the class. There are two $45 spots reserved in each Baking Class for “assistants.”
Go here now.

Holding Pattern

Hi Everyone! I wanted to stop by and let you know everyone here at Meathenge Labs are doing okay, we’re not dead. I absolutely have no time for to give at the moment. Nor do I have any inspiration to offer up anything worth reading or viewing.
Please enjoy this scan of a slide my father recently found of me back in the late 1960’s. That’s an old Leica Rangefinder 35mm camera right there.
xo, Biggles