Whull, this turned out a heck of a lot better than I figured. I had planned on doing a basic pan seared porky chop dinner that would finish in the oven. Something with browny pork goodness that was quick and darned tasty. Well, as quick as you could slice a jalapeno pepper I decided to finish the chops in milk, in the oven. An unexected surprise indeed!
Author Archives: admin
Traditional Macaroni & Cheese – Cooking with friends
Been having this tangly urge for real macky cheese. The creamy, cheesy and just a little sparky roasted dish. You know the one, yup. I was perusing Kevin’s Seriously Good and read that he and Cookiecrumb of I’m Mad and I Eat had partnered up for some cooking. The dish? You guessed it, macky cheese. I was in and yesterday was the deadline. I’m a day late and 2 pounds fatter. Oh well, what can you do?
Stupid New Years Resolutions and a wonderful afternoon
Yesterday I was invited to a nice lunch at Cookiecrumb and Cranky’s place. Surely you remember? I’m Mad and I Eat? Yes, those two.
They were hosting and all I had to do was show up. Uh, huh. Yup, invite a hillbilly and he doesn’t have to bring anything?
Early Wednesday morning I realized I had a tritip and Chilebrown’s home made Chile Verde Sausage in my fridge. They needed cooking, so I brought them with me as I hit the road. And this is where the above image steps in. I can’t remember ever buying in to that whole “New Years Resolution” thing. I never thought it was a good idea. I figure, do your best and move forward each year. Simple enough and makes beings such as myself happy enough to actually live through.
As I was revving my dusty old Dodge truck out of the toll plaza on the bridge I began to review the year and think that maybe I did have a few things in 2007 I’d like to add. 65mph rounded out the speedo as I mushed it in to 5th gear and figured 83 was a good velocity to attain. And it hit me, CROSS MORE BRIDGES !!!
As the last 18 seconds counted down on the bridge, I grabbed my rig and slapped this shot in to that memory card thingy. I never thought anything would be in focus, let alone be worth posting. In the upper right is a slice of San Quentin prison and in the mirror of my creaky machine is the reflection of the San Rafael Bridge that joins with Richmond. After the bridge, I downshifted said creaky machine at 70mph in to 4th and coaxed my fuel injected V8 in to light speed. Ya know, I realize it’s irresponsible and all. But the sound a V8 mated with a manual transmission makes, no, gives me the weak knees. Plus I only commute a total of 12 minutes a day, I can justify such things.
Our lunch together was a much needed respit and a mutually happy place to be on a Wednesday afternoon. Our spice collection, herb collection, hot sauce collection, knife collection, pan collection and roaster collection had a lot in common. We’d make some fancy comment and both come up with the same answer. So nice and even with a together that had nothing left behind.
If I had to start another damned new year and make some positive comment about the future, 2007 is at the top of of my list.
xo, Biggles
Happy New Year !!!
Been sitting here for a minute or 19 writing down witty paragraphs that kinda rambled around like a 3 legged duck on acid. After removing said paragraphs I’m happy to report I’m glad to see 2006 fade and lead us to another year, 2007 (It’s sequential don’t ya know).
Happy New Year to you all! Meathrenge rules.
xo, Biggles
George checks in with his version of General Tsou’s Chicken
While Biggles is off-planet for the moment, his good friend George steps in with General Tsou’s Chicken. George and I go way, way, way back to the late 1980’s. He’s always been colorful character. Someone who maintained an operating computer retail storefront in an abandoned building to a guy who bought a shiny, metallic purple Thunderbird (the Purple Penetrator). We’ve kept in contact over the years and he’s always had some tasty skills in the kitchen. I’ve offered to post a recipe of his anytime. Today is that day … take it away George!
California Bay Laurel – In Jars?
The last few days have been a little unsettling and the catalyst was this antique jar of bay leaves Creepy E found upstairs.
But Biggles, they’re just bay leaves. Why get all torqued out over a jar of old bay leaves?
Excellent question, let me say this about that. I live and grew up in the San Franciso Bay Area. California Bay Laurel trees are all over the damned place. And I’ll bet Berkeley wins the trophy for most trees of all. It’s “common knowledge” that these are most certainly not the leaves you find in the bay leaf jars at the market. These bay laurel leaves are exceptionally strong, oily and can very quickly ruin your stew. It’s irreversible and you’re better off with a nice Mediterranean version. Or so I thought.
At some point in its history Spice Islands (based in San Francisco) decided to dry and sell the buggers. To me, it’s kinda like selling bags of sand at the beach. For around here anyways.
What do you think of California Bay Laurel leaves in your food? I’ve never seen them for sale, here or anywhere. Have you?
World Carrot Museum – Discover the Power of Carrots!
There’s an aspect to blogging that authors get to enjoy, while readers most certainly miss out on. As a reader of a blog, you probably have your RSS thingy all set up and know when a new post has rolled in, off you go. But what about those posts in the past? The ones I did over 3 years ago, what about those?
“Why do I care Biggles? I read them already.”
Yes, maybe you did. However, months and years later the comments are still rolling in. There are a small handful of posts here that get fresh comments weekly, years later. My point is, I recently received a comment from nearly the first post I did here, it’s about carrots. This guy John stops by and says the carrots get wiggly cause they took on moisture. Fair enough, but his web site lists a carrot museum?
I just HAD to go see this, this, this, Carrot Museeeeyum.
I’m not going to go on about it, suffice it to say this is very well written and researched web site. As meat minded as I am, I do enjoy carrots. They’re wonderful in a slow simmered pot roast and invigorating juiced up on a Sunday morning. Go have a gander, it’s worth your time.
World Carrot Museum
ps –
Tybo says, “Ahhhh, moisture moisture moisture !!!”
Meathenge Rules !!!
Not a heck of a lot going on over here. Sorry about that.
Thank you to Kevin at Bacon Press for brightening my day yesterday with this Sign Generator. Then, an apology to my friends who’ve been receiving said signs from me over the last 24 hours.
ps – rock me Amadeus
Alejandro & Martin Extra Virgin Olive Oil – 1 case FREE !!!
Yes, you read that correctly. And no, this isn’t some huge-ass corporate mass marketing deal I ran across on the net. Meathenge has been hand selected by Alejandro through a kind mention from Elise of Simply Recipes. And it looks as though you only have until December 15th to order your 100ml case! The deal is you pay for the shipping, ooOoOOOoO. Can you handle it? I’m off to get mine right now.
Please click HERE for your special page. I receive nothing by spreading the good word. Only the warm knowledge that I’ve helped a friend of a friend further the promotion of their small company. I wish Alejandro, Michelle & Elise good tidings and superb health in the coming year.
UPDATE December 12, 2006: Woot woot! All 800 cases are gone. That’s it, all done in 48 hours. Jeez, that was a whirlwind, eh?
Alejandro & Martin Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Red Wattle Piglet Roulade stuffed with peppery sausage – Food Porn and nothin’ but
As you can see, I went for the Piglet Roulade this last weekend. Ovened it up last night for dinner. Prolly a bit fancy and yet quite rich for a Tuesday evening after work’s kinda meal. What the hell, eh? A Biggles has to eat.
If you look, you can see the skin was on, got all crunchy! The pork roast was filled with juicy flavors that it got from not only the fancy meat, but the peppery sausage kicked in and did its part too.
I think next time I’m going to give myself more time and knock the oven’s temp from 350 to 325 and drag the time out a bit. And since they offered, have them wrap it up with the head included. Thank you team Fatted Calf!
UPDATE: December 6th 2006
Hey, check this out! A friend of Meathenge and obviously a consumer of Fatted Calf’s fine goodies sends this over for our enjoyment. Remember that roast, up there? The piglet roulade? This is the optional head!
Dang, I wish I’d got all the options on my model. Mebbe next time. Thank you Stephen!
It’s cold, it’s windy, it’s December. Let’s cook outside!
Psyche !!! No post here. Nope, see? Look around, do you see any article for today? AHAHHAH, I totally had you. Face!
Well, okay. I did write a fancy article, but it isn’t here. It’s some place else. Robert from Get Your Grill On has kindly invited yours truly to join the Well Fed Network. So, during the coming months you’ll find me over there laying down the meaty love.
But Biggles, you have Meathenge! Why diversify and spread yourself out all thinny?
I accepted the offer to get out farther on the net and broaden my daily walkies. I could use the exercise and am shooting for some more inspiration. I figure, this inspiration will not only make the world a better place, it’ll improve Meathenge too. Years ago a good friend Murdock observed that Ed is like the rock in the center of the river, solid and unchanging. Himself is like the water, moving effortlessly through life, one with the universe. I however, was the guy in the kayak, upside down, broken oars, banging in to every rock and branch on my way down.
Here’s my first article written just for them,
It’s cold, it’s windy, it’s December. Let’s cook outside!
Wish me luck!
Knife Sharpening & Knife Skills Class with Charles Vollmar & Eric Weiss
Here we find Eric hard at work Saturday morning at the Berkeley Farmer’s Market.
Who here wants, needs, really should, improve their knife skills in the kitchen? Raise your hands, excellent. How many of you have been waiting for one you could afford and yet have a class that’s comprehensive? Raise your hands, excellent. Maybe even learn how to sharpen your knives or repair broken ones? You bet. Well, you’ve scored big time people.
Paulding & Co. is offering a Knife Sharpening & Knife Skills Class for only 85 dollars. It’s going to be held this coming December 11, 2006; 6:30pm – 10:00pm in Emeryville.
You’re a bloody knuckle knobbed fool if you don’t sign up today. The class isn’t quite full yet, but it should be in a few days or so. Get with it, go now. Your fingers will be thankful you did.
Rabbit Crepinettes with pistachios, paprika & tangerine zest & Smoked Duck Breast – Fatted Calf Newsletter
Above you see the smoked duck breast lightly seared. It’s a prepared portion that’s all ready for your mouth. I had 2 last week and enjoyed them immensely with a pile of basmati rice steeped with chicken broth, butter and whole cumin seeds. It’s a rich treat, so poise yourself ready with something appropriate.
Holy cow, the FC menu just rolled in for this coming Saturday. I missed last week’s market thinking it was closed. I dunno what happened. But this week? I’m ready. The menu is jam packed with items. There’s 3 dang specials!
Heritage Brined and Smoked Pork Chops
Red Wattle Piglet Roulade stuffed with peppery sausage
Petit Jambon (little smoked Heritage hams about 1-2 pounds each)
I think I may go for the Piglet Roulade. Doesn’t that sound great rolling off your tongue? Roooooulahhhhde. That would even sound good as a first name. Dr. Roooooooulahhhde Biggles.
OWOWOUUCHIE !!! Dangit! I had Pho Ga for lunch and just rubbed jalapeno juice in my eyeball !!! Keeripes, now the screen looks all smeary.
Sigh. Uh, along with those cool specials and the duck breasts they’ve added Fatted Calf tshirts. That’s cool, I really like tshirts. They make a fashion statement and are easy to wash. That’s me, Biggles the Fashion Plate. Check me out! OoOoo, I can hardly wait.
It’s time now for you to click on to the Fatted Calf Newsletter not written by me. Please take an hour or two out of your day this coming week and visit your local farmer’s market. There’s always something fun to find and it’s a great place to sit and just watch people wander by. Kinda like watching a fish tank or gazing longingly in to your fry pan as the bacon curlies up.
Happy Monday, Little Lamb Leg Roast for Chilly Weather
I’d like to preface this entry by saying it was meant for Robert over at Get Your Grill On. A few weeks ago he sent me a kind invitation to do some writing over there. I bought this little roast and had planned on doing this outside, in a certain manner, which will remain a secret for now. But we had some nasty ass cold rain and while I don’t mind the cold, I’m not going to cook outside in the pouring rain. So, I moved today’s entry in to the dry kitchen inside. I’ll be posting a notification here when I get my first piece up for those fine people. I can hardly wait !!! It’ll be later this week, me thinks.
Okay, on one week we’re playing around outside. It’s pleasant, sunny & does a body good. The next week? I got my scarf on, gloves and all the windows are closed for the first time in 8 months. Time for a little lamb leg roast on a Monday night.
Prep time was about 45 minutes with oven roasting time of 1 hour and 15 minutes (meat only).
Edith Key Haines’ Skillet Corn Bread Recipe or Biggles botches another batch of cornbread
What the HELL am I doing wrong? While I truly believe it’s the recipe’s fault this time (shift the blame), why does my cornbread suck so badly? I’m talking so bad it separates and the center of the bread looks and feels like a gooey, yellow custard.
Check out the recipe though, it is kind of interesting.