I just knew this last Saturday, that Sunday morning I’d fire up the smoker and get that 5 pound picnic portion of a pork roast in there. I wanted a pull-apart roast with my go-to rub. This grass fed fancy roast needed the best and I was just the Biggles for the job.
Yeah well, after 8 hours of smoking, I’d had enough and pulled it. I could tell it wasn’t ready, it needed another 4 hous in there. I got a late start in the day and it was time. That was okay, I’d figure it out tomorrow. There’s always tomorrow.
And figure it out I did, all in about 10 minutes.
Author Archives: admin
Morants Old Fashioned Sausage Kitchen – A Meat Adventure
Been feeling itchy lately, wanting to get out of town. This paired with the need for taking a day off spelled nothing less than a Meat Adventure. And to be honest, I’ve been on a bacon jag for the last month or so and the chance to try a new bacon really give my spine a tingle.
While I don’t feel the urge to drive to Sacramento very often, Morants seemed like a good idea for a sunny October morning. Interested to see what bacon Morants gots?
Prelude to a Meat Adventure: Beautiful Meat Photograph
Happy Saturday !!!
Listen up, yesterday Chilebrown and I headed out for Sacramento to visit Morants Old Fashioned Sausage Kitchen. While I only expected a drive up, raid of their smoker and a quick return home, we ended up with a nice morning spent with some sidetracking. What do I mean by this? Well, you’ll have to wait until I can find a computer to sit down to and compose my entry.
But Biggles, you’re typing this up, right now. Yeah, well see, this is a laptop mounted over the TV and I have to stand at a funny angle to use it. So, any longer than a few minutes and I’m done with it. I moseyed out to the garage to fire up my PC and it don’t even turn on anymore.
Surely Biggles with your mad PC repair skills you should be able to get that sucker up and going. Yeah, I can. But it’s 84 degrees, sunny with a cool breeze and I have 35 pounds of fresh sausage to tear in to. Not to mention 5 pounds of first class bacon to fry up. Plus I have a nice pork butt roast in the fridge awaiting my attention for an all day smoking session on Sunday. I’m busy! Besides I still have about 280 pounds of Custom Charcoal to use up.
Whatcha all up to today?
xo Biggles
Today’s music is brought to you by Carly Simon and Judy Collins.
Baking Class: Shuna of Eggbeater steps up and offers baking classes
I’m so excited I’m bouncing up and down in my chair. EEeeEEeeEEeee !!!
It’s no secret anymore, Shuna’s classes are no less than stellar. I’ve attended a handful of them ranging from Knife Skills, Baking and Pate a Choux. And this time she’s offering up a handful of goodies to learn. And you know what? This is perfect timing. Want to know why? Because the holidays are coming up and this would be the perfect time to master your pie dough technique.
Shuna’s classes are a hands on and 1 to 1. If you’re a wall flower, too bad. You’re going to come away with a wonderful experience, inspired and full of mad baking skills. If you’re a pro, she’ll be able to clear up any misconceptions or hone your ability to perform. Or if your a Homer Simpson (read here: Biggles) in the baking department, she’ll at least give you the opportunity to not screw it up. This is key because you’ll get to see feel, smell and touch what it’s supposed to come out like. Heck, until last year I didn’t know what live versus dead yeast looked like when introduced to warm water.
And I swear to Bacon, if I hear anyone say, “Ya know, I’d love to. But, I think maybe I’ll catch the next class.” That’s all very well and good, but time flies fast pal. You could very well lose out, again. Aren’t you tired of being a loser? Step outside your box and make the effort to actually leave your home and have fun and learn something at the same time. Won’t you? If I can do it, you can too.
The details on these upcoming classes haven’t gelled yet. So, I’m not able to give you the concrete low down at the moment. Except maybe they’ll be held in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Please visit Shuna’s Eggbeater for details and contact information.
Go now.
“Can you hold please? I need to flip the bacon”
Busy doesn’t even remotely come to describe what I’ve been up to lately. And when I do have time? I’m so exhausted I sit down for my pre-bed nap. So, Monday I took the day off. I owed some friend a load of meat and I wanted to hit the road, do some travlin’.
It was finally time for me to visit Bud’s Custom Meats in Penngrove California. But that was Monday Biggles, how come it’s Thursday morning and you still haven’t tried the bacon? No time, that’s why. I thought I just got done telling you that. You did, but then how come this entry? Well, because I had a great idea. What’s that Biggles? Since I spend all day at work, why not just fry up the bacon here in my office.
Products & Technology: Woodflame’s Wood Burning, Portable BBQ

I heard rumors about this grill a while back and ever since it’s been rattlin’ in the back of mind. It wasn’t until the other day when CB sent me the link to Woodflame’s web site that I said, “THAT’S IT !!!”
Why am I so excited about a portable grill that I don’t own and have never seen or used? It’s because it uses wood and not propane. Oh, I know what you’re thinking. Weber and the likes have been making portable charcoal fired grills for more than a million years. So why is this different from your humble Smokey Joe?
It’s got this little “stove” that jets air UP through a few small chunks of hardwood and cooks your food this way.

You can cook an entire meal with just a few small hunks and get this (listen up propane lovers), you’re ready start grilling in just 2 minutes. I’m not sure, but I’ll bet a propane grill ain’t even ready to cook that fast. The owners manual says the Delecto model has 9 fan settings, so you can go from just a little fire (designed for smoking) up to a flame that’ll deliver you over 60k btu’s, that’s a lot by the way. It’s enough to deep fry and boil water and apparently this little rig does just that. So, not only do you get a wood burning grill & smoker, but you also get a very powerful portable stove.
That all sounds so good, what could possibly be the downside to this little rig? Well, you’re tied to electricity. The Delecto uses 4 D cell batteries and you can get an AC adapter for it. But after thinking about it for a few days I don’t think that’s a deal breaker. Modern electric motor technology has come a long way and I’ll bet you get some decent life out of those batteries. And besides, what would you rather lug around? 4 extra batteries or one of those steel propane tanks? I’d vote for the batteries and real smoke flavors.
Why don’t I buy one cause my grill is nearly ready to fall over and die? Why did I not hit BUY NOW the other day? It isn’t large enough for my needs. I need a grill about 3 to 5 times that size for my yearly needs. So, my search continues. But yours doesn’t have to. If I didn’t need such a large grill, I’d buy this in a second. Woodflame looks to be a small company attempting to make it out in the big scary world. I say Kudos to the geniuses that brought us this little grill. Thank you so much for not making another damned propane grill.
ps – Please visit their web site for a far better description, user manuals and dealer locations.
6155 Des Grandes-Prairies Blvd.
Montreal (Québec), Canada
H1P 1A5
Telephone : 514 328-2929
Tol free: 1 888 664-6966
Fax : (514) 328-0029
Music while cooking? Surely I’m not the only one.
In the back of every kitchen is not only a pantry and stove of some kind, but there simply must be at least a radio.
I have an old Crosley table radio to keep me company. That’s good for those early Saturday morning news updates. But it only goes so far, being an AM radio and all. 5 years ago I ran in a second pair of speakers to the kitchen so I could be in my own world without bothering others. Good idea eh? You bet.
What’s on the turntable today? Country Joe & the Fish – Electric Music for the Mind and Body. Next? Donovan, Sunshine Superman. This will bring us in to dinner with Band of Gypsys and will center us nicely for the week to come.
Peace brothers and sisters and may your sausage always be juicy.
Breakfast Anyone? A playful Sunday morning.
Do you have a Pork Nurse? You should you know.
Here we find Biggles’ Pork Nurse inspecting the new arrival, pre-op if you will.
I picked up this interesing cut of pork at Mercadito San Juan yesterday after work. The butcher is an interesting guy, his meat changes on a daily basis. What I mean by that is one day they have a load of center cut pork chops and the next, they gone. One day they have a load of whole chickens and chicken pieces and today they’re gone. Last week they only had one kind of white fish with shrimp and last night 1/4 of the cooler was filled with fishy items. While this might make some people crazy, I love it because it keeps me on my toes. And you have to admit it sounds kinda nice to have some variety in your meat selection.
I knew I didn’t have time to cook this roast on a week night, but I bought it anyway.
Cattail Creek Lamb Sirloin Roast stuffed with olive tapenade – Fatted Calf Newsletter
Yeah, okay I ain’t been posting about cooking, deal with it. Sure I’ve been grilling 2, 3, 4 times a week and even fired up the smoker this last Saturday. But it’s been my normal, every day type of food and nothing worth posting. At least in my estimation anyway.
This isn’t to say I haven’t had a few most excellent moments though. A few days ago Taylor emailed me and wanted to know if I’d be willing to work the Fatted Calf stall this coming October 14th. Me? Selling meat and talking to people about said meat products? SHIT YEAH. I won’t be working for actual money, but I’m sure I’ll come away with a crepinette and a mowf full of jerky. It’ll be like a mini-vacation. I can hardly wait. Have you ever smelled a 100 quart cooler filled with fresh sausage? HUH? HAVE YOU !?! Well I have and it’s a slice of heaven. I am so ready. Mark your calendar and come for a visit, ya hear?
As far as an update on finding a grocery store with a meat counter? Nothing yet. I’ve been back to the Mercadito San Juan a few times and done well. But nothing solid yet.
This week’s Fatted Calf Newsletter is sportin’ a lamb sirloin roast stuffed with their own olive tapenade. Not sure how big they were, but last time they were about 2 pounds, barely enough for 2 people. Unless you add in a set of crepinettes, this is how I do it. The newsletter’s slant this week points to some people’s aversion to pate and terrines and the like. Odd since it’s basically French meat loaf. I think maybe each one of you that will always pass on the loaffy goodness, should stop this time and buy a portion. Take it home, open the package and observe. Take a little whiff, ready your fancy mustard and have a slice. All I’m asking is to try it once, just once. If you can’t deal with it, no loss. Give it to a friend. But if you do enjoy? Oh how wonderful it will be to add a foodstuff to your list. Then, when asked you can hold your head high and exclaim, “Yes! I have eaten pate, and I love it!” Nothing wrong with that, says I.
Please venture onward to the newsletter not written by me. And hope to see you at the market this coming Saturday.
How do you say thank you & Nikon Repairs my rig

How do you say thank you to someone who you’ve only known a short while when they hand you their 1200 dollar camera and say, “Here, borrow mine. We’re going on vacation for 2 weeks, you use it.” I declined at least 3 times, but she wouldn’t have it. Nope, I was to use it in her absence. With a lump in my throat I accepted and we agreed to meet for lunch during the week so I could pick up the gift.
ChileBrown’s Meat Adventure – Freedom Meat Locker & Los Gatos Meats

Well, it looks as though our buddy and meat pal has gone on a little vacation. This time he hit up 2 places and brought back a cooler or two of fresh sausages and cheese. What does this mean to you and me? Well, for me it means I’ll have to get busy and hop in the pickup for a little drivin’. It’s a perfect time of year too, I can hardly wait! Come along and have a little sit and see what he and his wife brought back.
Please continue to read Chilebrown’s story not written by me.
Mercadito San Juan – In Search of a Grocery Store with Meat v2.0
A local grocery store with a real butcher is still eluding me, even after a week and a half. Mercadito was next on my list and yesterday was the time. It’s in the wrong direction, but I don’t have many choices left. I’ve been to this place before and only semi-recently have they opened up a meat counter. I was apprehensive and yet totally willing to let this be the place. In fact, I really wanted this to be the place. I’ve been feeling a little lost over the last 4 days and in need of some healing.
On today’s grocery list are house marinated chicken pieces, fresh tortillas, cheese, limes and any veggies I think the kids might eat. This would be broccoli, sigh. Man, I’m so damned tired of the brocc.
Wanna know how the best damned Thursday meal went?
Fatted Calf Newsletter – Berkshire Pork Brochettes with Lavender, Rosemary, Garlic and Bay
I give up, the season is changing. I’ve been fighting it for the last few weeks. Sure I read other blogs, you bet. And some are talking about the food and weather that comes along with autumn. Well, I wasn’t having any of that. I am not ready for cooler weather, no sir. Dammit, I still require some warmth with bright mornings and beautiful lazy evenings. I’m not done coming home to fire up the grill and hang out with a cool refreshing beverage after work.
Yeah, well it’s changing whether I do battle or not. The light in the morning and after lunch is diffused and gold. The smells are dewy wet in the morning with a crisp bite to the nostrils. The cool temperatures come quick now in the afternoon and the windows go closed. I figure we got a little time left before we’re grilling in the rain & snow & sleets. And what perfect timing for Fatted Calf to present us these fine Heritage Berkshire Pork Brochettes with Lavender, Rosemary, Garlic and Bay.

Who doesn’t love meat on sticks? I sure as hell do, especially these. Opening up the package, especially with the lavender is going to be heavenly for sure. You need to enjoy every last bit of daylight we have left and right now is the time to get moving. Take no prisoners!
It looks as though the Rind On bacon is here this week, still an excellent cured meat choice. While the Rabbit Crepinettes with Roasted Shallots are no slouch either. Oh, here’s something, Linguica. I think everyone knows about this fine Portuegese sausage, I don’t quite remember seeing it before. Sounds like a nice start for something stewy! MmmMm, stew.
FC’s menu is quite full this week and I’m sure the rest of the market will be as well. The sheer volume of gorgous chile peppers and ripe tomatoes last week bring me back this week with huge anticipation. Take some time out of your busy schedule and come have a visit. Take care and hope to see you at the market.
Biggles reads a recipe. It’s says Shrimp and he hears Pork Sausage. Oh dear … – The Biggles Method *Pork Sausage Creole*
Well, that was a lot of fun. Been hankering for something rich, spicy and would use some of the awesome chile peppers this season has produced. This last Saturday’s farmer’s market was absolutely filled with fresh chile peppers and ‘maters. There were so many I expected the Honey Guy to have them as well, no kidding.
Before I left work on Friday I checked out Chuck Taggart’s Gumbo Pages. After a little perusal I landed this recipe for Shrimp Creole. I’ve never been a big fan of dealing with shrimps. Why? Cause they just too tedious, that’s why. Sure I could take his suggestion of a chicken substitute, yet no. I wanted something a little heartier, like spicy pork sausage. Gee, I was going to visit Fatted Calf Saturday morning, maybe they had some pork sausage?