Fatted Calf of Lamb

Hey hey hey. Some very cool things happening at the end of this week. First, click on the pretty image above and check out that way cool ‘watermark’. It’s a Meathenge watermark! That’s really cool just so you know or need to pass that along.
Secondly, The Fatted Calf has Lamb Crepinettes this week! I believe that’s a first and since we’re having a family meal on Monday, I’m going to get 10! Better get there soon on Saturday morning, you gotta beat me. These Crepinettes have lemon, olives & mint. How awesome is that? Very.

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Andy Popejoy’s BBQ – Walsenburg Colorado

Joe Bob calls in this one from … Walsenburg
On the way to NM in July 2004….going through Walsenburg Colorado….
Andy Popejoy’s BBQ
Screeched to a halt when I saw this place. They advertised a smoked Tamale that sounded interesting. The gal inside was braying into the phone forever and several folks left. I stuck it out for my one tamale. It was smoky…..like smoked yesterday and reheated maybe?
Interesting smoky murky musty flavor. I would like a fresh one next time. The Q was out to the side in its own carport hut affair. Not going either.

I think this place is worth another visit. Downtown Walsenburg. Can’t miss it.

Savory Sausage Stuffed Quails – Smoked

Welp, it was time to smoke the little quails. I spent some time after work cleaning out the smoker, getting things ready. This year has seen a lot of meat run through the beast and it needs looking after. I got the fire started a little later than I had planned, but after seeing how tiny these little stuffed quails were I figured I had more time to fuss.
I used mesquite as my main heat source with large chunks of raw hickory to bring up the flavor side.
And boy did we get flavor, let me tell you whut.

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New Container for Sugo!

MeatHenge Mini-Entry
Not this last Saturday, but the one before the Fatted Calf decided to change the container the Sugo Di Carne came in. I thought the previous container was fine, but I understand the motivation. Taylor didn’t like the plasticky container, seemed cheap and all … well, plasticky.

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MeatHenge Scalloped Potatoes

I’m not sure what inspired me to put together a ‘scalloped’ potato dish on a work day with not more than an hour and a half for prep and cook time. I know I know, “hey bone, scalloped potatoes aren’t that tough.” Yeah well, I added extra goodies and had to move pretty darned quick to get this on the table before everyone filled up on peanut butter & crackers. Keep in mind too that I have to take decent pictures and make mental notes along with everything else. Boy did my hard work pay off big time.
This dish was succulent, rich, savory & worth every bead of sweat.
Most of the ingredients make sense, onions, parsely, mushrooms, apple wood smoked bacon and fresh herbies. I decided to render up some pancetta to take it over the top. Yum.

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Hoffman Farms & Fatted Calf come together!

I found out first thing yesterday about Saturday’s special. I had to call J. Lee first thing, hands shaking. Fatted Calf’s special this week are Hoffman Farms naturally raised quail, stuff with lemon zested savory sausage AND a fig !!!
Man, I was SURE the Arista roast from last Saturday was the pinicle, the piece of resistence. From where I sit, this meat slinging rolly coaster is still going up, up and up. Up. I need another slab of pancetta, but how do you think I can remember to even SAY pancetta with those stuffed quails waiting for me? I’ll have to stencil PANCETTA TOO PLEASE on my forehead, that is the only way I’ll walk home with what I need on Saturday morning. This is too cool.
See you there!

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Meat Pie – what to do with leftover Arista Panzanese

Just when you thought it was safe to come out, just when you thought the Arista Panzanese was done and out the door. You couldn’t be more wrong. Last night there was a happy chunk of the special pork roast left over. Eric won’t eat leftovers, but here at MeatHenge Labs we have no problems with such things.
Mama said it was time for MEAT PIE !!! I was okay with that, especially since she is the Pie Crust Queen.

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Arista Panzanese – Pork loin roast rolled with belly & herbs

Arista Panzanese, oven roasted. That’s what you’re gazing upon. How many of you made it to The Fatted Calf’s stall this last weekend? How many of you picked up a roast, like I TOLD you to? Fess up. Good. But for the rest of you, SEE what you’re missing? CHRIS YOU FOOL !!! You admitted to me at the baby shower you missed last weekend. See what happens? I didn’t miss out, in fact my wife didn’t miss out either. It was delightful, a bit much maybe for a tuesday night meal. But what could possibly follow last night’s Dreamland smoked rib dinner? This one did, very well too.

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Dreamland Bar-B-Que – Mobile AL – DELIVERY !!!

Ha !!! No, we didn’t make a trip to Mobile. No, this isn’t Uncle Cindy’s Rib review for 2004. Although she was kind enough to share this slab. What you’re looking at is a frozen, vacuum sealed slab of pork ribs, sauce & bread included. Me being a BBQ/Meat snob, I questioned the whole frozen meat situation. However, pork is pretty damned versatile and I have to say, this easy smoked pork rib meal was worth every penny Uncle Cindy spent.

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Jack-N-Grill – Denver Colorado

Joe Bob checks in from Denver Colorado. This time with juicy lookin’ foods

Jack n Anna Martinez only opened their Mexican food joint in 2000, and it has been a huge hit in Denver ever since. They came up from New Mexico in 1994 and had the “Chile Shop” for a few years, roasting chilies and doing catering. The demand was such that they had to open a real restaurant.
I have finally been stunned by a plate of pork.

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Meathenge helps out around the kitchen – THE FREEZER

This coming week is Get Thusly to Your Freezer – Get CLEAN !!!
You know darned well it’s been over a year since you went through your freezer to clean it out and some of you never have.
Put down that fancy encyclopedia you’ve been reading, it’s time to go have some fun. First open up the fridge and see if you can turn OFF the freezer portion by itself. If not, just turn the entire fridge off.
Pull everything out and sort it by piles of this and piles of that, toss what you can’t figure out what it might be. I found some really interesting meat parts, some sausage shaped, some not really shaped much at all.
Toss what you haven’t used in 6 months. If it is meat, toss if it’s older than a month or two. Keep in mind, you shouldn’t be freezing meat unless it going to be used as stock or if it is vacuum sealed. I understand it is so nice just to pull something out of the freezer for that night or the next. Would you please spend a little more time and buy things fresh? You’re missing out on some great flavors and nutriments by freezing your diet. IT’S SUMMER TIME YOU NITS !!! There’s fresh food outside your door, go find it.
Where was I? Oh yeah. Whip up some of your favorite cleaning solution, I use spray 409 & paper towels. Then wash with clean water and dry thoroughly. Now you have a really nice clean happy freezer, put your stuff back. Don’t worry about organizing it, you’ll ruin that system in a day anyway.
Meathenge says do it.

Barnacle Coffee – Myth or Reality?

Many many leagues ago, back in the time of the vikings, before Starbucks and way before Peet’s coffee, was Barnacle Coffee.
This semi-ancient ritual found the heartiest of souls before 6am brewing a morning beverage. This morning beverage did not include sugars, not creams or fats of any kind (well, okay maybe walrus milk but it was damned hard to obtain, you ever try to milk a walrus?). This morning beverage didn’t have any cinnamon or powdered chocolate. Well then, what was the draw?
The Barnacle! What an amazing little mullusk:

Fatted Calf’s Saturday spread – A food related post

YAY !!! A food related post. I’m feeling a little better now, it’s been a long week. Already.
Everyone knows I really love sausage, this is no secret. I also like a little variety, such as roast treats. When Taylor and his crew take the time to make us a roast treat I can’t resist. I’m going to take a little quote from this week’s newsletter about the special this week:
“Arista Panzanese. This is a savory marriage (OK, it’s a roast) of piglet loin and belly, jelly-rolled up and tied with twine, but not before it is lovingly anointed with all manner of Italian goodness, such as rosemary, fennel pollen and garlic.”
There’s nothing I can say to follow that one up, except that the Crepinettes this week are also something to stash in your meat bag. This week he’s gots Pork Crepinettes with Picholine Olives and Thyme.
This will be a GREAT weekend indeed.

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thy sleepy henge

Hey, I wanted to stop by the Henge today and let ya’ll know we’re okay and doing fine. I’ve decided to sell our 3rd vehicle, a 21 year old 1 ton GMC 12 passenger van. I bought it for going on yearly vacations plus a few smaller ones. The beast served us well for 3 years, going to LegoLand a few times, visiting friends up in the Sierras and then some farther south in Mariposa.
Last year we all decided to try some Home Schooling for our youngin’s, which means no more long vacations and no more fancy dinners at the local Denny’s. Which means THE VAN HAS TO GO!
What this also means is that I’ve been darned busy getting the van ready and haven’t had time to cook, take pictures, write & post.
Hopefully soon,