It’s with tears in my eyes that I sit down to write this little letter to you. Fatted Calf will not be attending the Berkeley Farmer’s market this coming Saturday. If you want to try Devil’s Gulch Rabbit Boudin you will have to travel the San Francisco Ferry Plaza market to buy. I have no idea what it is or what it tastes like, hopefully on January 14th they’ll have it again. Taylor? Are you listening to me? Hellooo?
The menu is packed absolutely to overflowing with wonderful goodies this week. Such as the insanely rich Pork Sausage with Black Truffles or the Pork Crepinettes with Black Trumpet Mushrooms. I cannot have them, nope. I will watch from afar as they pass from maker to consumer to mouth. Oh wow, take a look down the menu a bit to the Guinea Hen Rillettes with Black Truffles, what’s that all about? Clearly Taylor has no troubles with truffles, fancy.
I leave you now in the caring arms of Kim O’Neill and her fancy Fatted Calf Newsletter.
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