Don’t forget everyone! February 25th is National “Oil Thy Carbon Blade Day!”
Get out your old carbon knives and send them some oily love!
Remember, rust not only sucks, but it pits & ruins.
Hugs and happy Mardi Gras.
Category Archives: The Orts
the pot after the peas
Dang man. After simmering those blackeye peas the other night for 1.5 hours look what it did to my cast iron dutch oven. INSANE. It was nicely cured before. Well, that’s gone!
I smeared it with Grapeseed oil (any oil or fat with a high temperature smoking point will do), turned it upside down on the middle rack of the oven at 300 for an hour. And look …
Can you find the two German blades?
Christmas Socks
Okay, so admissions to MeatHenge have been sparse to say the least. Most cooking web sites are hunkering down and sending forth everything to bear so everyone has a nice holiday meal. And it seems many cooking web logs are doing the reverse. We’re tired, over worked and ready for some rest.
Clearly we are digging for content, and speaking of content … I would think most of you are getting nice new socks for gifts! Go now and have a close look at your existing sock family to see if you can toss them. Maybe you don’t know what needs to be tossed and what needs to be retained. Looky here, these need to be tossed.
Meat Storage
Yeah yeah, you all know what to do. Buy your meat in those cute little plastic wrapped foam containers and toss it into the freezer. Simple, easy and a waste of perfectly good meat. Remember pal, that animal gave up it’s life (probably not without a fight) so it could feed you. Pay a little respect won’t you?
Freezers are for a few things. Ice Cream comes to mind right away. Maybe frozen grape juice, chicken parts for stock and ice cubes. Please keep your fresh meat out of the damn freezer. I know it’s handy to come home, pull out a pound of some ground meat and toss it into a skillet for god knows what. The next time you do that, pay attention to what you end up with. Pay attention to what that meat looks like while it is whistling away in your skillet, frozen like a brick. Take note and next time try it fresh. Next time roast your chicken from a FRESH chicken, not FRESH frozen. Foo. Notice and take note. I believe you’ll find with a little more effort and time at the butcher your dinners will improve.
If you need to keep your pork chop, beef roast or bacon a few extra days, re-wrap it in aluminum foil. MAKE SURE YOUR HANDS ARE CLEAN. Foil will give you at least ONE extra day in the fridge, which could mean the difference between a nice steak dinner or Lucky Charms & skim milk.
Got Flu?
MeatHenge is down with the flu. First it was Momma and baby, now it’s Papa and waiting to see if older boy gets it.
Thanksgiving dinner had to move locations, but all turned out stellar. I have that to post along with a few other goodies. So hang tight boys & girls and we’ll get rolling along in a bit. Hugs to all.
Photography Consultation Credit
Hey Everyone,
I wanted to take a moment here and thank Dennis for some kick ass advice a week ago or so. You see, I wanted more from my lighting set up at home, in the kitchen, for food. Since I have a small kitchen, it’s tough some times to get the lighting just right. Well, since my old Sunpak 555 handle-mount flash unit didn’t sell on ebay (idiots), Dennis suggested I get an adapter (surely they make one he said) that slides on the flash shoe of my digital rig. All the adapter would have to have is a PC connector on it. Sure enough, Sarber’s Camera in Berkeley had it in stock! I dashed over there, slid it on and POW, I had a flash on my digital camera with a GN of about 160 (that’s really a lot). This is now a manly rig and commands respect where ever I go (home & work usually). All this and more I owe to Dennis, who in one fell swoop was able to cause mere mortals to shake and tremble in my presence. THANKS Dennis!
Need Ideas for Dinner Please!
Meat Cooking Show ALERT !!
Be on the look out for Alton Brown’s Good Eats show, “raising the steaks”. I caught a few moments of it between fending off the childses. What caught my eye was tossing, what looked to be flank steak, directly onto the coals. Yeah, my interest was piqued. So I set my “scout” on my satellite dish to search out that one show and come on automatically. I am set. You go now and look to find show. Go now.
Convenience Food Hits New Low!
“Things” say the funniest things
Just a funny thing that happened while I was at Cyberbilly Estates.
I learned that “spare ribs” is Thingese for “spider webs“. Thanks Mama, fer translatin’.
My mouth almost started waterin’ somethin’ awful.
Carrot and Spinach Juice
I’ve debated for several days whether to upload this picture. Not for the obvious either. Sure there is no meat, but I figured I should come clean and let you’all know that I eat other things than meat. One of my latest fads is juicing things. Mostly carrots, celery, apples, tomatoes and ginger. It damn good too. Well, this last week I’ve been adding an entire bunch of spinach to the juice. So far it’s been excellent. But I still don’t think I should have uploaded this one. Why? Cause it just doesn’t LOOK good, not appetizing. Definately not something I could talk you into drinking, that’s fer sure. Bend a close ear here, IT WAS GREAT !!!! Something so good, so tasty and gives you the punch you need to attack an afternoon … it’s great. Go juice.