Dang, I noticed my last post had just rolled right off the board there, not a good thing. We’re still here, doing better and taking care of business. Just hang tight, we’ll be resuming production here in the not too distant future.
The picture there is off an oven roasted tri-tip roast with mashed taters (heavy cream used) and a nice, robust gravy.
Cheers and apologize for the lack,
xo, Biggles
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Swamped? Overwhelmed? Scatterbrained?
Cook for me !!! The contest is over, and we have a winner!
Ya know, it was really nice to host this little contest for ya’ll. It isn’t very often that a blogger gets to have a two-way conversation with the readers (that’s you). I’ve found over the years it can really bring a sense of closeness that I enjoy, like coming by for a beverage and a snack treat.
Well, we didn’t exactly set a record with the number of entries (you’re just not used to it here), but the absolute quality of the entries? Second to none, easy.
Move along …
Happy Birthday Smokey!

It’s your birthday today Smokey and we’re as surprised as you! Though we give you a ration of crap for your Smokey freezer treats, we sincerely hope you have a grand day of celebration. Because even if your frozen pucks make our hineys hum a torrid tune, your music and smile put a song in our hearts. Happy Birthday Smokey!
p.s. Don’t quit your day job.
Happy Merry !!!
Please click on image for a far larger photograph of love.
Sorry, can’t live without the turkey. It’s the gravy I crave, this and only. When I try the other more adventurous menus? The love and care gets murky, quite quickly. Biggles no likey. That rich perfume between the stuffing and crackly skin make my core all smiley, nose bones come alive. You can have your lamb, ham & beef of all kinds. I can’t live without the turkey, it’s the gravy I crave.
Love to you all and Merry Happy,
Meathenge Garage – Yer blinker is out, ya doof.
Here we find Biggles’ 1964 Dodge D100 pickup circa 1995. To his right is Lisa’s ’70 D100, Creepy E’s ’63 Valiant Wagon and last but not least, Bones! Our company truck at the time, a 1961 Dodge D100.
On to the automotive lesson. Ya know how when you turn on your blinker to turn? Left or right, it’s the same bink, bink, bink, bink, bink, bink. Okay, so years down the road, your blinker now goes, binkbinkbinkbinkbinkbinkbink (much faster, eh). This is telling you that you have a light bulb in one of those sockets that has blown. Stop at a safe location and run your blinkers to see what bulb is out. Then? Replace all your bulbs. Because if one is old and blown, the others will follow. And brother, or sister, it’s easier to do it now rather than later. And by later I mean after the nice police person has hauled you in for a dui because your blinker was out.
xo, Biggles
The Coolest Thing Ever
Beautiful Meat Photograph: RIGHT NOW !!!
Ith Pretty
Holding Pattern
Hi Everyone! I wanted to stop by and let you know everyone here at Meathenge Labs are doing okay, we’re not dead. I absolutely have no time for to give at the moment. Nor do I have any inspiration to offer up anything worth reading or viewing.
Please enjoy this scan of a slide my father recently found of me back in the late 1960’s. That’s an old Leica Rangefinder 35mm camera right there.
xo, Biggles
Happy Sunday night everyone !!!
And for all the little piggies life is getting worse,
Always having dirt to play around in.
Have you seen the bigger piggies in their starched white shirts?
You will find the bigger piggies stirring up the dirt,
Always have clean shirts to play around in.
In their styes with all their backing they don’t care what goes on around,
In their eyes there’s something lacking,
What they need’s a damn good whacking.
Everywhere there’s lots of piggies living piggie lives,
You can see them out for dinner with their piggie wives,
Clutching forks and knives to eat their bacon.
Thank you Amelia, thank you John & Paul.
Sugo is back !!! Wahoooo !!!
Sugo History v1.0: I believe this is Sugo’s second version on containers, neat eh? And you thought you’d seen all the uses for a mason jar.
The Fatted Calf newsletter rolled in this morning. Certainly I was happy to see it, wasn’t expecting what I spied, no sir.
I’ve had a love affair with Sugo di Carne since its inception many years ago. Its weekly savory love was something I quickly became dependant upon. And it wasn’t until it disapeared and I wrote Ode to Sugo di Carne that I realized what it truly meant to me. It was over the weeks I realized what a seething, gaping hole it left in my heart. Spackle can only go so far for a broken heart.
So, when the newsletter was read by my eyeballs, they teared up ever so gently. My throat tightened and my tummy did a little squiggle. Sugo di Carne is BACK !!!
Here we find Sugo’s first plasticky type container. You would have purchased it this way probably 3 years ago. Gives you shivers down the spine, don’t it? Ain’t baby Sugo cute? Yes you are, you’re the cutest little thing! Yes you are. Boo boo boo boo boo, boo boo.
Wanna see what it looks like simmered for 35 minutes with a large can of fancy ‘maters over pasta?
I can’t speak for everyone, but this takes my breath away. The rich, yet tangy sauce with perfect fat content that brings said flavors to each and every taste bud. This is the kind of love Sugo has to offer.
Honestly, I don’t know anything about the rest of the menu for this Coming Saturday at the Farmer’s Market in Berkeley and San Francisco. And I don’t care. Sugo, little buddy, it’s great to see you back and in good health. Cheers!
First Annual Hot Sauce Blog Wing Off
waHOOOO !!! Oh yeah, who doesn’t like hot wings, raise your hands? Biggles scans the multitudes and all he’s able to disinguish is the sound of smacking of many lips. That’s right, I’ve confirmed it. Everyone loves hot wings. Surely you have a recipe or two you could whip up to go play? You have until the Superbowl to get busy!
First Annual Hot Sauce Blog Wing Off
Or if you’d like to visit Nick’s site at the beginning? Hot Sauce Blog
Rabbit Crepinettes with pistachios, paprika & tangerine zest & Smoked Duck Breast – Fatted Calf Newsletter
Above you see the smoked duck breast lightly seared. It’s a prepared portion that’s all ready for your mouth. I had 2 last week and enjoyed them immensely with a pile of basmati rice steeped with chicken broth, butter and whole cumin seeds. It’s a rich treat, so poise yourself ready with something appropriate.
Holy cow, the FC menu just rolled in for this coming Saturday. I missed last week’s market thinking it was closed. I dunno what happened. But this week? I’m ready. The menu is jam packed with items. There’s 3 dang specials!
Heritage Brined and Smoked Pork Chops
Red Wattle Piglet Roulade stuffed with peppery sausage
Petit Jambon (little smoked Heritage hams about 1-2 pounds each)
I think I may go for the Piglet Roulade. Doesn’t that sound great rolling off your tongue? Roooooulahhhhde. That would even sound good as a first name. Dr. Roooooooulahhhde Biggles.
OWOWOUUCHIE !!! Dangit! I had Pho Ga for lunch and just rubbed jalapeno juice in my eyeball !!! Keeripes, now the screen looks all smeary.
Sigh. Uh, along with those cool specials and the duck breasts they’ve added Fatted Calf tshirts. That’s cool, I really like tshirts. They make a fashion statement and are easy to wash. That’s me, Biggles the Fashion Plate. Check me out! OoOoo, I can hardly wait.
It’s time now for you to click on to the Fatted Calf Newsletter not written by me. Please take an hour or two out of your day this coming week and visit your local farmer’s market. There’s always something fun to find and it’s a great place to sit and just watch people wander by. Kinda like watching a fish tank or gazing longingly in to your fry pan as the bacon curlies up.
Fatted Calf for the Holidays – Plan today for tomorrow’s feast!
Okay, first things first. What you see above and below is Fatted Calf’s Heritage Pork Shoulder Roast stuffed with Greens and Walnuts. Actually, there’s garlic and fresh ground pepper in there too. We had this last night for dinner and it was an unexpected delight. I know, I know, it’s Fatted Calf. I’ve been eating FC’s stuff for more than a few years and even today I’m receiving something I haven’t exactly had before. The pork roast itself was extra flavorful and the stuffing’s love had made its way in and around the roast. Of couse topping it with pancetta twizzles helped a bit too, eh. Here’s what it looked like before it went in to the oven.
Okay, so that’s the meat. Now it’s your turn to decide what to get for the holidays. I’ve been serving their salumi and pate for the last few years as appetizers and the huge grins and moans I hear from the living room are always welcome. Sure you can make your own, Derrick does. But I don’t have that kind of time and want to share something special with the friends and family that I love. Fatted Calf allows me to share the love without strapping my hillbilly ass to the kitchen for 3 days. You go and put a smile ont the world.
“The Fatted Calf will be at the Ferry Building Market on Tuesday, November 21 with a special holiday menu. We would appreciate all pre-orders by Friday, November 17. Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving to All!”
You all know what to do, now get with it. Please read on to their menu not written by me and place your order for Thanksgiving today.