Happy Friday Everyone !!! Ponder thine yak meat

click on pitcher for larger

Little Eddy came in to my office the other day, he’s the one that gave me the idea for doing a post about Chinch Meat (chinchilla). He wanted me to do a search for Yak Meat, I did.
Google lead me directly to Delyaks, our yak source!
I’m pretty excited and will probably order some after paying of the holiday bills. Apparently it’s 95% to 97% fat free and is filled with Omega 3 oils, CLA’s, Oleic Acids,and Stearic Acids. Healthier for us than skinless chicken breasts and fish? They say it’s true. Not gamey, not greasy, juicier than buffalo and delicately flavored? Dang, that’s pretty darned impressive.
Welp, look for a yak post coming up in our future. There’s tons of information and pictures on their web site, go have a gander.
xo, Biggles
ps – Sure I talked about yak meat, but I really wanted some way of sharing the sunrise with you.

Aquasana Drinking Water System – A Review

You wanna start a fight? Get the conversation pointed towards bottled vs. filtered vs. tap. Go ahead, I triple-dog dare you.
I buy bottled water from time to time for the convenience only. Good for hiking, driving or whatever. The tap water we receive from EBMUD flat out rules. I’ve never even remotely considered blowing my hard earned cash on any filtration system. Okay, well I did buy one years ago. You know the ones? Those bulbous things that hangs off your faucet? Yeah, it made me shake and scream. TOSS.
Aquasana wasn’t going to have it easy.

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My Sweet Vegan – A cookbook by Hannah Kaminsky

Whoa, hang on there Tex, slow down. Listen up, for as long as I can remember I’ve been a staunch supporter of grass roots organizations. And this woman is someone you want to know more about, at least read the following. This just now rolled in via email and my jaw was open through the entire thing.
YOU GO HANNAH !!! Kick some vegan ASS !!! And of course, this ass that would be receiving the kicking, is a vegan one.
Please read this, now.

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Knife Sharpening Class with Eric E. Weiss

There are at least 2 kinds of people this time of year, in regards to buying/giving gifts. Some are brilliant, you know who they are. They know how to shop, they do it early and their choices are legendary. Then, there’s my type. Lousy, last minute shoppers who give gifts that just plain blow. This makes both of us feel like dirt for a while. How would you like an easy one? An absolutely awesome gift that for a little outlay will get you ‘in’ with the cool kids.
That’s right, buy your friend, lover, partner or spouse the gift of learning how to sharpen their own knives! Here’s the crutch though, you have to move on this one. Why? Because Eric’s next class is coming up this monday, December 10th. See? Shopping done!
Bring a few knives to sharpen and at least one that can take a lot of abuse.
Knife Sharpening Class with Eric E. Weiss
Location: Kitchen On Fire
1509 Shattuck Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94709
6:30 – 8:30

Again, you need to move on this one. Call today and secure your place of honor. After that, you may want to write down some questions that you’ve always wanted to know the truth about. Those rumors spread from nitwits at your local mega mart. Such as, don’t use a steel it prematurely wears down your knife. Come prepared and be on time.
ps – Am told that you can just actually show up on time and be allowed to attend, ain’t that cool? Make a date of it !!!

Better Homes & Gardens Barbecue Book – Neat discoveries

The images are larger than normal because I wanted to make them larger. This blog does what I tell it to.
If you’re any kind of outdoor cooking enthusiast, you’ve got this book. If not, you’ve got one or five just like it. The drawings, photographs & recipes are fun to pour through. Meathead gifted me this one a few weeks ago. While flipping through I found two reasons that made it a tad more interesting. Visit with me on a little journey back to the later 1950s, won’t you?

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Pork 4 Kids – It’s not what you’re thinking.

Sure, you think I’m going to do some cutsy little post about how to involve yer youngin’s with piggies. Nope, not even remotely. No, see this post is about another web site and it’s name is Pork 4 Kids. Chilebrown sent this over a few weeks ago, go have a look. It creeped me out at first, but they have games and you can even make your own placemats for the dinner table!
Thank you CB.

Meathenge’s 2 Pound Pork Steak or wtf you doin’ Biggles?

Alright, so I was in Joya de Ceren, an El Salvadorian grorcery in Richmond, for pork chops last night. They had some really wicked little chops all riddled with juicy fat. Yoink. Just one row over I noticed they had some pork shoulder pieces. I love pork shoulder. I rarely see it cut like this, it was cut just a tad over 2″ thick. Kinda like a pork steak, only measured in pounds. Yeah, I bought it. That and two smaller chops, two sodas came to a whopping 8 bux. But how to prepare?

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Busy work work, busy work work, busy work work.

click for pretty larger one
Up at 5:30 am and way busy till after sun goes down. Weekends=chores and recharge mental powers. Repeat.
That being said, the sunrises the boys and I get to experience are world class. The above photograph I snagged early Tuesday morning. I see this site every morning as I slide down the overpass to work. My jaw dropped and grabbed my gear and braved the shaky 18′ ladder to sit on our roof to capture this moment. Then? I looked to the right and saw this.

click on pretty to see biggie
In the immortal words of Bob & Doug Mackenzie, “Beauty, eh?” Yeah, well it was time to climb back down that ladder and get to work. And then? I turned the other direction and grabbed this one.

if you please tap thine gull for a huge one
Fly away gull by the bay! Probably all dark meat anyway.

This one I took this morning, from the same area that most of my cloudy sunrises have been coming from. Looking eastward with Mt. Diablo just a tad to the left. These thick ass cloud/fog was HUGE and it went as far as I could see from right to left. It was an impenetrable wall and really the only time the sun came through was when it popped over the top (or a few little holes). Considering the time of year and California’s central valley lays in that direction, figured it’s Thule Fog? It was HUGE. I have to admit though, 10 minutes previous, when the sun was up but not visible, there was a pink/purple glow, for just a moment, through the bottom of this Wall of cloudy material. It was gone in just a few moments, wished I could have snapped that one.
OH, and what really made this all so neat to me was that THERE WASN’T ANY OTHER CLOUD ANYWHERE TO BE SEEN. Not even over there.
xo, Biggles

You bad ol’ drain. How come you clog?

You bad ol’ drain. I find myself doing major chores here Thanksgiving morning. Last night’s meal needed cleaning up after and the turkey isn’t completely defrosted, yet. We’ve lived here now nearly 8 years and only now you decide to back up on me?
Biggles walks away from the drain, only to turn and say, “Ha !!! I got youuuu! I win! Meathenge Labs isn’t hosting this year!” Clog if you want to, you bad ol’ drain. You don’t bother me!
xo, Biggles

Happy Turkey Day 2007

please click on pretty picture for nice larger version

Well, the sore bones in my face and teeth have finally begun to go away and expect to be 100% in another week or so. Sorry for Meathenge resembling a dead slug withering in the August heat during a drought. Shudder.
What you’re looking at up there is called a “Living Rock”, I don’t know the Latin name. It’s a succulent and it’s blooming!
xo, Biggles

A jury of 6, no. Um, A trial of 6? No. The mother of all bacon tastings!

This is the cold that never ends,
Yes, it goes on and on my friends
Some people started catching it, not knowing what it was,
And they’ll continue being plagued by it forever just because—

You understand correctly, I’m going over week #2 with this fricken cold. It moved in to my sinus bone last Thursday and creates these wonderful headaches. The pain from the bright sunlight actually makes the pain almost bearable. Then it’s off to the land of aspirin, yay.

Tee hee, Chilebrown goes on a meat spree in Oregon. Asks me if I want to come over Saturday morning (3 weeks ago) and have a tasting!
What do you think my answer was?

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Directly from Meathenge Labs – Grilled Chicken Noodle Soup

Disclaimer: I shopped for this meal, I prepped this meal, I cooked this meal and I photographed this meal with a fever, with hacks, coughs and a flowy nose. Expect a few errors, expect some oddities. Just so you know.
Chicken noodle soup is one of those recipes where everyone has their own way of doing it, and it’s the only way. If it’s not their way? Rubbish! Yeah well simmer down now because this recipe is most probably some place you’ve never been. I need you to pay attention because there are some finer point where you’ll go wandering off and not get the expected results. It isn’t just about grilling chicken, then making soup with it, no sir.
Would you like to come play?

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Chilebrown’s Ultimate Meat (read here: bacon) Adventure

Let’s have a moment of silence for A&B Meat Market.
Generally speaking most of us get about 2 weeks a year vacation, right? Right. Sometimes we choose to just putter around the house and relax (this is me). But there are many who will want to pack up the truck and spend it driving from destination to destination. These destinations might be the Taco Bell Discovery Science Center or LegoLand or wherever. Not for our plucky heros!

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