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Little Eddy came in to my office the other day, he’s the one that gave me the idea for doing a post about Chinch Meat (chinchilla). He wanted me to do a search for Yak Meat, I did.
Google lead me directly to Delyaks, our yak source!
I’m pretty excited and will probably order some after paying of the holiday bills. Apparently it’s 95% to 97% fat free and is filled with Omega 3 oils, CLA’s, Oleic Acids,and Stearic Acids. Healthier for us than skinless chicken breasts and fish? They say it’s true. Not gamey, not greasy, juicier than buffalo and delicately flavored? Dang, that’s pretty darned impressive.
Welp, look for a yak post coming up in our future. There’s tons of information and pictures on their web site, go have a gander.
xo, Biggles
ps – Sure I talked about yak meat, but I really wanted some way of sharing the sunrise with you.