Well, first off I want to thank Dagny for bringing this restaurant to our attention. While its location scares me to an absolute shivery death, the food is most certainly worth the adventure. I had my doubts until the chips & salsa slid ever so carefully on to the table with the red & green. What followed gave my spine carnitas pimples for the next 35 minutes. Yeah, even if we didn’t order carnitas, I knew it was lurking out there to excite.
Is it really that necessary?
Note: The following may contain adult content and/or adult language, be advised. Be very advised.
To whom it may concern,
I’ve grown up with your family of products and remember the thrill as far back as about 1971. Since my bedroom was somewhat below ground, moisture and mold were always a problem. Not with your aerosol fueled disinfectant, it was all good in a matter of seconds.
As I aged, it helped to calm the smoky goodness of the reefer. But that was short lived, just made me hungry and paranoid. I’ve got enough of both, naturally. I spent time talking to and learning from other people who enjoyed the cleaners. It wasn’t long before I had a good supply of the best my local grocery could offer, I had it all.
Beautiful Tomato – They be ready
Grilled Garlic & Bacon Too !!!
I’d like to lay down paragraphs all about the photograph that you see perched above us there. But I don’t believe it’s really necessary. However, I do want to make clear that I did slice the top off the bulb so the extra virgin could penetrate. Then, the bacon on top completes it.
Once done, smoosh over toasted, buttered, crusty breadses.
How did the bacon start out on the grill?
The bacon started out with this fine meal up on top of a tritip beef roast & pork loin roast. Once it renders down some, grill directly over a mellow fire. Once the bacon is getting close to how you like it, place on nestled garlic clove.
An evening in the life.
xo, Biggles
Biggles’ Ol’ #46 Dry Rub – A nice Wednesday evening grill fest
There are 2 kinds of grocery shoppers, 1 makes a list and gets what they need. The other (me) makes no list and winds up with a cart full of what he didn’t necessarily expect to buy. This is a lot of fun and I enjoy it each time. The downside is that I forgot to purchase soap for the shower twice now. It’s kinda funny to scrapple through the bathroom cabinet searching for those lost bars of soap that one might get as gifts from 10 years ago. You know the ones, nasty smelling, in the shape of a monkey or cat. Yeah, those. I fight the good fight.
I hadn’t planned on purchasing that little rack of baby pork ribs, I did though. And a day later? I’m sooooo glad I did. I was able to try out a curry based dry rub I’d had in the wings here for quite some time. No really, a long, long, long time.
Come along my pals and we’ll get a glimpse of a nice Wednesday evening meal.
Knife Skills Class – Shuna Fish Lydon
Oh guess what, everyone? Shuna is coming back to town and this coming August 12th she’s hosting one of her famous knife skills classes. This is perfect timing too, just look around you. The markets are absolutely filled with seasonal fruits and happy vegetables. I’m sure you do quite well on your own making your way through those tender little bundles of flavor. But haven’t you always suspected there was a better way? A way to extract just a little more texture, something to make your mouth jingle?
Shuna is here and on the job. She’s taken the time for you all and share her knowledge and passion. And brother, or sister, she’s got both in vast quantities. In fact, her passion is infectious and soon you’ll be on the edge of your chair, with your hand up. It’s so great to have someone this close that can take the time to make sure you get what you came for, and more.
One of my favorite parts is close to the end of the class she does a hands on segment and shows everyone how to properly use a steel. A properly used steel in the kitchen is just as important as the knife is. Without it, your knife is a dull, dangerous thing that only gets in the way of your creations.
Sunday August 12 Knife Skills Class 1 pm – 3:30 pm
North Berkeley, California
Here is the page with all the information to get you started.
Shuna’s School List
It was only back in June for Mr. Weiss’ last knife sharpening class. Terry Paulding said she could fill another and wanted to hear no sass. So, Eric being the knife sharpening ninja he is, said “You bet I’ll do it. It’s great, I love it!” Off to the calendar they flew, with pens in hand to find out when next would be. They agreed August 6th would be most excellent for that next knife sharpening class. All you lovers of all things sharp, get thine there, en masse!
with Eric E. Weiss
Monday, August 6, 2007
6:30pm – 8:30pm $65.00
Paulding & Company, A Creative Kitchen
1410 D 62nd St, Emeryville, 94608
You will be taught to hone your knives to perfection by
hand. A sharpening stone and honing oil is included in
the price of this class. Bring your quality chef’s knife and
paring knife plus any others you wish to learn to sharpen.
Should you want Eric to bring your knives back to life,
you may arrange that during class.
Eric’s sharpening experience spans 30 years. Born in
England, raised in Germany, his love affair with all things
sharp began in boyhood, grew with him through military
service to the Queen, and comes to fruition at Bay Area
Farmer’s Markets, restaurants, catering companies, retail
and private homes. During this unique hands-on class
Eric gladly shares his true wealth of historical, cultural,
and scientific knowledge about the blade.
Class details/registration at
Paulding & Co.
Don’t touch me Mr. Bacon Man !!! I’m a vegetable.
The Coolest Thing Ever
Beautiful Meat Photograph: RIGHT NOW !!!
Tofino style pork & Rotal barbecue grill – 2 entries in 1
Oh, which item to tackle first? The Rotal Barby or the Tofino style pork shoulder? Before we do either, I want to make it perfectly clear that I most certainly did not use the word Barby to be cheeky. Personally, if someone says to me, “Let’s put another shrimp on the barby.” I’ll cleave them in twain, like right now. No, the name Barby is actually imprinted on the rig directly. Not only that, they trademarked the word Barby, they can have it. So, it really is a Rotal Barby. Ever heard of one? Seen one?
Click through my good fellow or fellee and come see this fancy pork shoulder and a new grill for Meathenge Labs.
Meathenge Inspires a Chef Across the Country!
My most excellent friend Kevin of Seriously Good, whom I spoke with today, informed me that his recent adventure was inspired by a meat photograph I took recently. He rambled his self down the Florentine road and came up with Pork Chops Florentine.
I’m impressed and wishing some of his creation was warm, and in front of me. Go have a gander and it could very well inspire something within you.
xo, Biggles
Happy Friday and Fun with Markets!
Welcome to Friday, most of us have the next few days off. And I, for one am looking forward to it. CB dropped off a few grills from his collection the other day and am making my way through their finer points. Which leads me to a game!
On your way home today or during your travels, take a different route. Make a left turn instead of a right, go straight or go for a walk. Seek out a little grocery you’ve never been to. A little grocery you’ve always meant to stop by or one that you’ve only now found. Stop and say hi to the checker, what aromas waft first? Slowly walk the isles, looking up and down, poke about. When you’ve found whatever tickles your fancy, purchase it with ideas as to what to might go with. You may want to buy a nice refreshing beverage and if they have seats out front, sit down and watch the world slowly pass.
This is what Biggles will be doing later on this afternoon.
xo, Biggles
First Turning: Maters of 2007
We moved in January of 2000 and have been here ever since. That’s the most stable I’ve been since moving out in 1982 (gradiated high school). Watching a garden grow and change over the years hasn’t been in my reality and am now in awe every year. More so this year because I haven’t killed everything I planted. That and the sheer size of these ‘mater plants is insane!
Biggles Method: Grilled Corn on Cob
Once upon a time, at grillside many years ago, handfuls of corn hit the grill with surprising ease. Yet the flavors were something that not everyone includes in their corn meez. Come along my fairytale friend and we’ll discover just what these ears crave.
“It’s easy.” said Jlee. All you need to do is remove that corn fuzz and leave enough of the husk to cover the budding kernals. Treat ear tips with a cone of foil to hold in place, set on grill for 20 to 30. That’s Minutes there, son.
Before their time has come, lay down that bacon slice that’s been smoking at grill side. Allow bacon sauce to enter the cornfolds ever so gently, quietly. Use time to make sure the corn slowly begins to smile. And when it does? Pull the husks back to expose your corn to the direct heat and let the colors turn.
xo, Biggles